General discussion about urine

Methods of concluding diseases based on the quality of urine should be trusted only if certain preconditions are met. This should be the first morning portion of urine, the release of which the patient does not postpone for a long time. Having gotten up after a night's sleep, the patient should not, before urinating, drink water or eat food or eat any coloring food or drink, such as saffron, pomegranates and cassia, as this colors the urine yellow and red, or, for example, vegetables - they color urine green, - and murris - it colors urine black. Intoxicating drinks change the color of urine to its own color. And let nothing coloring, like henna, touch the patient’s skin: the one who paints with it sometimes has urine colored the color of henna.

The patient should not take anything that drives juices, such as choleretic and mucus suppressants, and should not indulge in intense movements and work. Of the natural factors, nothing changes the color of water more than fasting, vigil, fatigue, hunger, and anger. All this gives the urinary fluid a yellowish and reddish appearance. Coitus makes the urine very oily, vomiting and defecation, for example, changes the proper color and consistency of the urine. The passage of time affects urine in the same way, which is why they say: “You should not look at urine six hours after urination, because its diagnostic signs weaken, its color changes and its sediment dissolves and changes or becomes even more dense.” And I say: it shouldn’t be in an hour either! .

All urine should be collected in a wide bottle, without pouring anything out of it, and examined not immediately after emission, but when it calms down in the bottle, being in a place where the sun or wind does not hit it, which could stir it up or cool it until a precipitate forms and the study is completed. When urine has just been released, it does not produce sediment, even if it is completely and completely mature. They do not release urine into a bottle that has not been washed after the previous urination, but it gives few signs to children, especially the urine of infants due to its milkiness, and also because the coloring matter of their urine is in a calm state and hidden in the depths; In the nature of babies, due to their weakness and because they sleep a lot, there is something inherent that kills the signs of urine maturity. The vessel for receiving urine will be a transparent body, pure in essence, such as transparent glass or crystal. Know that urine, when you apply it to your eyes, seems less transparent, and when you move it away from your eyes, it appears more transparent. Thanks to this, the south can recognize all the impurities in what is brought to doctors for research.

When urine is taken into a bottle, it must be protected from changes under the influence of cold, sun and wind. You should look at the urine in the light, but in such a way that the rays of the sun do not fall on it, but, on the contrary, covering it from the rays. Then one can judge urine by the qualities that are visible in it.

Let it be known that the initial indication given by urine is an indication of the condition of the liver and ducts for moisture, as well as the condition of the blood vessels. Through this, conclusions are made about other diseases. The most reliable signs are those that indicate the condition of the liver, especially the condition of its convex part.

The features obtained from urine are extracted  from seven categories: color category, consistency category, clarity and turbidity category, sediment category, quantity category by scanty and abundant, odor category and foaminess category. There are people who also include in these categories the category of touch and the category of taste, but we will omit such categories, avoiding and avoiding their introduction.

By the words “category of color” we mean those colors that the eye sees in urine, that is, black, white and what comes between them; by the category of consistency we mean the quality of urine in terms of thickness and fluidity, by the category of transparency and turbidity we mean the ease or difficulty for the eye to pass through the urine. The difference between this category and the consistency category is that urine can be both thick in consistency and clear, like egg white, diluted fish glue, or olive oil. And sometimes a liquid has a cloudy consistency, such as cloudy water, although it is much thinner than egg white.

The cause of turbidity is the admixture of particles of a foreign color, brown or having a different color: they are indistinguishable by sight, are not transparent, invisible individually and differ from the sediment, since the sediment is sometimes visible to the eye, and also differ from the color, because the color diverges throughout the substance of the liquid and is more strongly mixed with it than these particles.