Cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen: consequences and reviews

Cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen on the fingers

The content of the article:
  1. How does cauterization of papillomas occur with liquid nitrogen?
  2. Complications after cryodestruction of papillomas
  3. Reviews about removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen

The consequences of cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen are complications that sometimes arise in a person after cryodestruction is performed to remove tumors. They appear extremely rarely, but still occur for a number of reasons. Today we will consider all possible side effects from such a procedure and reviews about it.

How is papillomas cauterized with liquid nitrogen?

How does cauterization of papillomas occur with liquid nitrogen?

The photo shows papilloma removal with liquid nitrogen

This method of removing tumors caused by HPV is called cryodestruction; it is based on the effect of low temperatures on them. The purpose of this is to cauterize the growth to form a crust and then remove it independently.

To avoid the consequences of cauterizing papilloma with liquid nitrogen, this should be done in trusted dermatological clinics or beauty salons. The doctor must have a license, permission to perform the procedure.

To eliminate papilloma, one visit to a specialist is usually sufficient, but in some cases 2-3 sessions are required. Their duration is on average 20-40 minutes.

The procedure is carried out without anesthesia, but sometimes local anesthesia is still required, for example, in case of increased tissue sensitivity. Basically, there is no need for recovery after it; the crust that appears goes away within a few days or weeks after cauterization.

To avoid complications when removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen, it is used with caution when the growth is located on the face in the area of ​​the eye mucosa, as well as in the case of localization of the formation in the vulva area in women.

A strict contraindication to this is individual intolerance to the substance used and cold allergies, manifested in the form of itching and redness of the skin. Such difficulties arise as a result of exposure to low temperatures.

  1. Read also, how to treat the skin after removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen

Complications after cryodestruction of papillomas

Consequences of removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen

The photo shows the consequences of removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen produces side effects extremely rarely; this is mainly due to ignoring existing contraindications for the procedure. Complications can also be caused by the doctor’s low competence, lack of necessary experience, and choice of an unreliable medical clinic.

Among the complications of removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen are the following problems:

  1. Tissue pigmentation. This is the process of forming spots on the skin that are darker than surrounding areas, the size of which can vary greatly - from one to several centimeters. In some cases, these points merge together, forming extensive lesions. Outwardly, they look like many freckles, especially if they appear on the face.
  2. Scar formation. The reason for this is improper healing of the wound left after the procedure and the falling off of the resulting crust. This complication of removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen does not occur immediately, but only after a few weeks. Externally, the defect looks like an unaesthetic scar, which can be small or large. It is quite difficult to eliminate it; this will require the use of a laser.
  3. Bubbles appear. Forming on the skin, they resemble the consequences of a burn received from contact with fire or hot surfaces. In addition to them, a thin film often appears, barely noticeable to others, which disappears on its own after some time. These bubbles tend to burst, causing the tissue to become covered with numerous spots with liquid contents (lymph) flowing out of them. At this stage, the likelihood of blood poisoning increases through infection entering it through wounds.
  4. Tissue swelling. According to reviews, it is not difficult to recognize this consequence of removing papillomas with nitrogen; it is characterized by inflammation of the skin surrounding the place where the growth used to be. Often the tissues become covered with red spots, which indicates difficulties in rehabilitation. This problem does not go away on its own; to eliminate it, you need to use anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Finalgon. It should be applied to the problem area 2-3 times a day in a thin layer, spreading evenly over the surface and leaving until absorbed. The required duration of its use is 1-2 weeks.
  5. Skin irritation. Basically, it occurs during the procedure if there are any contraindications, primarily an allergic reaction of tissues to the substance used. The consequences of removing papilloma with nitrogen, according to reviews, manifest themselves in the form of redness, itching, swelling of the skin, which are most often combined in patients. The situation is aggravated by close contact of clothing with the treatment site, which, rubbing the fabric, provokes even more severe itching.

Immediately after removing the papilloma with liquid nitrogen, a whitish spot appears in its place, which then becomes covered with a crust. This is a completely normal phenomenon, which should not be reacted to in the absence of unpleasant sensations.

A small blister, usually filled with clear liquid, should also not be alarming. They indicate the effect of low temperatures on the deep layers of the skin and the successful destruction of problem cells. In the absence of such consequences, one can suspect that the penetration of liquid nitrogen was not deep, and this may lead to recurrence of papilloma.

Note! After a crust has formed, its integrity may be compromised as a result of careless handling, which can lead to bleeding in this area. This can also lead to infection, inflammation and redness of the skin.
  1. Read also why there is a high temperature after cauterization of papilloma

Reviews about removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen

Reviews about removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen

As reviews of the removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen show, if everything is done correctly and by an experienced doctor, there are no side effects. Those who complain about complications mostly turn to untested clinics, poor specialists with little experience, with the goal of saving money.

Angelina, 30 years old

About 12 months ago I noticed a small lump began to grow on my face, above my lip. After some time, it increased in size for unknown reasons, and, naturally, it was uncomfortable to walk with it, since it spoiled the entire appearance. I had to think about what to do, folk remedies did not help to cope with it, medications also turned out to be ineffective, I turned to a dermatologist for cryodestruction. He carried out the procedure for about half an hour, there was no discomfort at all during this time, but after leaving the doctor, the skin became covered with blisters, became paler, and the next day a burning sensation and slight tissue irritation appeared. Having read negative reviews about the consequences of removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen, I immediately went to see my doctor, and he prescribed me several ointments to eliminate complications. I used them for longer than 5 days until the problems went away. Now the crust has fallen off, and in its place there is nothing left, but still this situation alarmed me, perhaps it was due to the insufficiently mature age of the doctor from whom I cauterized the papilloma.

Victoria, 42 years old

I want to share my impressions of removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen. I had this problem six months ago, and I decided to fix it immediately, without expecting any pathologies. The reason for its appearance was pregnancy, or more precisely, a decrease in immunity against its background. After giving birth, most of the formations went away on their own, but a few, on the shoulder and neck, still remained. They helped me remove them using cryodestruction. First, I read reviews about removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen, and then visited a dermatologist, who applied liquid nitrogen to the formation using an ear stick and removed the residue after 30 minutes. The growth was not eliminated immediately; I had to wait about 5 days. Then a dense crust formed in its place, which also fell off a week after the session. In principle, everything went without complications, the only thing I didn’t like was the slight redness and burning sensation of the skin immediately after the manipulations. Since that time, the papillomas have not yet returned, and I hope they will not appear again.

Evgeniy, 31 years old

I turned to a dermatologist to cauterize the papilloma with liquid nitrogen in December, since it was large and was constantly in my way under my armpit. The procedure was completed in literally half an hour, without pain or discomfort. The doctor simply lubricated the tumor with the product and then removed its remnants; I was still worried, since there are also negative reviews about the removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen. After a few days, the growth began to thicken in this place, a crust formed, and it began to bleed a little. I don’t know what caused this, perhaps I somehow violated the integrity of the papilloma. The problem was solved, and in the end there was no trace left of the growth, not even a scar. I consider my experience relatively positive, I was simply lucky with the doctor, the procedure was performed by an experienced dermatologist with extensive experience, and, by the way, after it I visited this specialist twice to monitor my condition. Compared to laser therapy and other physiotherapeutic methods, this method is much more convenient.

Anatoly, 50 years old

This is not the first time I have had papillomas cauterized, and despite a number of disadvantages, this method of removing them seems to be the most effective, safe and reliable. I turned to specialists for help 3 times, and each of them was successful. There are no consequences for cauterizing papillomas with liquid nitrogen, given the existing contraindications. Since I don't have them, everything went smoothly. If slight redness and swelling can be considered complications, which, I believe, are quite acceptable for such manipulations, then these are the only problems that I have had. The cost of cauterization is low, it can be performed in one go, which is a definite plus. I recommend this method if medications and folk remedies cannot help.

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How to cauterize papillomas with liquid nitrogen - watch the video:

Only an experienced doctor can cauterize papillomas with liquid nitrogen without consequences, so you need to take a responsible approach to his choice. You should contact trusted medical centers that have all the necessary permits. If you find any problems after performing the procedure, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.

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