- The danger of papillomavirus type 52
- How does infection occur?
- Main manifestations of the virus
- Diagnostic features
- Treatment methods for HPV type 52
- Conservative therapy
- Surgical removal
- Reviews about the treatment of HPV 52 strains
Human papillomavirus type 52 is an HPV genotype that has a high degree of oncogenicity and provokes the development of malignant neoplasms. Pathology is often detected in young people who have entered the active sexual phase. The oncogenic factor makes HPV 52 strains extremely dangerous for everyone.
The danger of human papillomavirus type 52
More than 600 strains of HPV have already been identified. About 90% of all people living on Earth are carriers of various forms of the virus, while people often do not even suspect the presence of the pathogen in the body. Some of the strains are relatively harmless, others provoke the appearance of papillomas, and still others can cause cancer.
Papillomavirus type 52, like HPV 56, is a particularly dangerous strain. It can cause not only certain pathologies of the genital organs, but also cancer. Moreover, in the first stages of infection there are no discomfort or other signs, but in the later stages extremely unpleasant growths form.
Human papillomavirus type 52 is much more common in women than in men. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure and functioning of the genitourinary system. However, such a diagnosis for a man is no less dangerous and is fraught with the development of rectal or colon cancer; cancer metastases can affect the bladder. New structures are formed in the area of the anus and scrotum.
If HPV is not detected in a woman in the early stages and timely treatment is not prescribed, then it can provoke a disease such as cervical dysplasia. In this case, a violation of the cellular structure of the tissues of the genital organs begins, which is incredibly difficult to stop even with the modern level of development of medicine.
Important! Regular gynecological examinations and a woman’s attentive attitude to her own health make it possible to detect abnormalities in the early stages of development, when treatment is much easier. You should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, as this is fraught with serious consequences.How is HPV type 52 infected?
Like other strains, papillomavirus type 52 can be obtained after close contact with its carrier. The pathogen penetrates epithelial tissue through damage to the skin. The situation is typical for domestic conditions, but most often infection occurs through sexual contact.
Important! Statistics show that most patients learn about infection with human papillomavirus type 52 in the first 2 years after the onset of sexual activity.Injuries and damage to the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs are not such a rare occurrence for women. Taking into account the peculiarities of the physiology of the female body, representatives of the fair sex are at risk of infection during sexual intercourse much more often.
Note! Barrier contraceptives in this case cannot serve as a 100% guarantee of protection against infection with HPV 52 strains. For example, the pore diameter of latex used in the production of condoms is only 5 microns, but virus particles are even smaller and easily penetrate the micropores of the protective agent.Through epithelial tissue, the infection enters the body and remains there in a latent state. In order for papillomavirus type 52 in women to begin its pathological activity, specific conditions are necessary, namely weakened immunity.
The main factors influencing the disruption of the immune system are:
- Systematic stress conditions;
- Hypothermia or the presence of chronic pathologies;
- Impaired diet, vitamin deficiency;
- Smoking, alcohol abuse;
- Diseases of the immune system.
When activated, human papillomavirus type 52 interferes with the process of cell division in the dermis. Improper cell division causes a dense tissue structure to appear. The neoplasm transforms into condyloma.
Main manifestations of papillomavirus 52 strains
The photo shows peaked papillomas with HPV 52 strains
Papillomavirus type 52 is difficult to detect early stages, since the pathogen practically does not show itself in the body. Against the background of a weakened immune system, HPV can manifest itself as fever, general weakness, as well as vomiting or diarrhea. It is quite easy to confuse such symptoms with the flu.
If the body is unable to overcome the virus on its own, it begins second stage diseases. During this period, the patient develops growths. The most common location of formations for this HPV genotype is the external genitalia and anus. Often, papillomavirus type 52 appears in combination with other sexually transmitted diseases. Concomitant infections can cause burning in intimate areas.
Warty formations caused by HPV are called condylomas; when they grow, they resemble entire colonies. According to their shape, condylomas are divided into pointed and flat.
Condylomas acuminata have a very thin base, in some cases they resemble a candle, and the growths look like a cockscomb. They are easily damaged, and a poorly healing wound is formed at the site of the torn condyloma.
However flat condylomas more dangerous. It is precisely such seals that can lead to cancer of the genital organs with a greater likelihood. Flat condylomas have a wide base and slightly rise above the surface of the skin. Human papillomavirus type 52 in women after their formation can be accompanied by painful sensations during bowel movements and during sexual intercourse, the situation is aggravated by relapses of herpes.
Men of non-traditional sexual orientation who practice anal sex are also at risk. Infection in this way can lead to rectal or colon cancer. In this case, the patient experiences: disruption of normal bowel movements and pain in the anus, increased flatulence, blood in the stool, weight loss with constant heaviness in the stomach.
Important! It is necessary to take responsibility for your own health and immediately consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear. It is also recommended to conduct preventive examinations for women and men who are sexually active.Features of diagnosing HPV type 52
Only an experienced specialist can determine the presence of human papillomavirus type 52 based on a number of studies. First a visual inspection will be carried out. It will not be easy to detect condyloma, since the first formations are small in size; a colposcope is used for a thorough examination.
When the growth has been detected, its structure can be further studied. To do this, a smear is taken from the walls of the vagina in women or a scraping of the affected tissue of the penis if the patient is a man. Additionally, a biopsy may be prescribed to study the cellular structure of the tumors.
To determine the strain of infection, PCR analysis (polymerase chain reaction method) is performed. Using this study, the DNA of the virus is determined, as well as its concentration in the body. The analysis provides general information about the time of infection and the form of development of HPV, and accordingly allows you to prescribe competent treatment.
Capture diagnostics or Digene test analysis may also be prescribed.
Treatment methods for HPV type 52
This strain of the virus is an intracellular parasite; it uses healthy cells to reproduce. The DNA of the pathogen is introduced into the human body, disrupting its normal functioning. The need for therapy in this case is not even specified. It is extremely difficult to treat type 52 papillomas. The patient should follow all medical instructions and recommendations. Therapy can be medicinal or, in advanced conditions, surgical.
Conservative treatment of papillomavirus type 52
In the photo, Panavir gel 3 g, price in pharmacies 1600-1700 rubles
Conservative therapy reduces the risk of complications, although it does not completely remove the virus from the body.
Drug treatment includes taking a range of drugs. Their main tasks are the following:
- Antiviral - to combat human papillomavirus type 52 in women and men, they are prescribed to stop the spread of infection throughout the body;
- Interferon inducers and interferon itself — taking a synthetic drug activates the body’s defense mechanisms;
- Immunomodulators - to normalize the functioning of the immune system.
In the fight against papillomavirus type 52, the following have proven themselves well:
- Cycloferon. An immunostimulant that has an effective effect on the virus prevents the infection from spreading throughout the body. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injection, if prescribed by a doctor, it can be replaced in complex therapy with Amiksin or Lavomax.
- Isoprinosine. An antiviral agent for systemic use, designed to normalize the deficiency of cellular immunity, is available in the form of tablets, analogues are Neoprinosin, Groprinosin, Normomed, which are available in various forms - tablets, syrups.
- Panavir. It has an antiviral effect and is used exclusively as part of complex therapy.
In addition to taking medications, it is also necessary to normalize your diet and add vitamins to your diet. You will have to abstain from sexual intercourse or at least limit the number of partners.
Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, because the consequences in this case are extremely unpredictable.
Surgical removal of type 52 papillomas
Unpleasant growths are removed using various hardware methods:
- Laser removal. A high-temperature laser cuts off type 52 papilloma layer by layer, in which case the patient feels virtually no pain and blood loss is small. However, such treatment does not eliminate possible relapses; about 30% of patients find unpleasant growths again after some time. The cost of laser removal ranges from 400-600 hryvnia in Ukraine and 1000-1500 rubles in Russia. A very popular method if you need to remove a spine.
- Cryoremoval. An area of skin is frozen under the influence of liquid nitrogen; the procedure can be carried out in several stages. It is practically painless, but does not exclude the possibility of relapses. Moreover, the cost is significantly lower than in the case of working with a laser: up to 400 hryvnia in Ukraine and about 1000 rubles in Russia.
- Electrocoagulation. Cauterization of condyloma or papilloma using electric current. The effectiveness of this method is quite high and reaches 96%, but at the same time, removal is quite painful. The price for one procedure is from 450 to 600 hryvnia in Ukraine and up to 2000 rubles in Russia. This method has worked well if you need to remove papilloma on the body during pregnancy.
When the disease becomes dangerously malignant, it may be prescribed surgery for the removal of type 52 papilloma. Under local or general anesthesia, a small incision is made through which the cell formation is removed. However, after surgery, bleeding, a long recovery period, and infection of the area are possible. The price of surgical removal of papillomas is calculated individually in each specific case.
After removal of the growths, the patient will have to regularly visit a specialist and monitor his health to avoid relapses. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to regularly undergo smears for cytology in order to timely detect any abnormalities. Women under 30 need to undergo such tests once a year, after 30 - once every six months. For women over 65 years of age, if the tests are normal, frequent examinations are not needed, since there is no high risk of developing cancer. For men, a preventive examination by an oncologist is recommended at the same frequency.
Reviews about the treatment of HPV 52 strains
The risk of developing complications dictates the need for timely treatment of HPV type 52. There is a lot of information on the Internet about what medications and procedures are available to combat this disease and its manifestations. However, it is worth understanding that the prescription of a full range of medications and the choice of methods for removing growths from the skin should be made by a doctor. In any case, it would be a good idea to get acquainted with the opinions and treatment experience of ordinary people who have undergone HPV therapy in order to understand how realistic it is to get rid of the virus and restore the integrity and beauty of the skin. We invite you to read several reviews about the treatment of HPV type 52:
Valeria, 41 years old
I began to develop papillomas near my anus. There was also some kind of infection, which made me feel a strong burning sensation when going to the toilet. It became clear that she had contracted a dangerous bunch of diseases. The urinary infection was cured quickly, but the growths caused a lot of trouble. They checked for the HPV strain, it turned out to be 52. When I found out how dangerous it was, I thought that there was no hope, since the body itself could not overcome this virus. As an antiviral, I was prescribed Panavir. The condylomas themselves were removed using a laser. There was no pain during the procedure. There were other auxiliary drugs. Overall, I am very pleased with the prescribed treatment, because... There are no new growths, the old ones have been eliminated.
Ibrahim, 36 years old
I also had condylomas before. I removed them using electrocoagulation. The method is quite painful, but the result is excellent. Now sometimes I undergo control examinations, everything is normal. Yes, at one time I took a lot of pills, among them were antiviral ones. We didn't find the right ones the first time. As a result, Cycloferon helped a lot. HPV type 52 is a bad joke, as doctors say, and there is a lot of information on the Internet. So be sure to consult a medical professional. One drug helped me, but for another it may not be useful.
Tatyana, 32 years old
I never thought that growths on the skin could be dangerous and even cause cancer. When I developed genital papillomas, I immediately went to the hospital. The doctor suspected that it was type 52 DNA of the virus. This is exactly what the test results proved. They told me what the prices for removing skin manifestations are, of course, the amounts are not small, but this must be done to avoid complications. There were quite a few medications on the prescription sheet. She took the treatment correctly and was completely cured. I no longer have the virus.
What is papillomavirus type 52 - watch the video:
Human papillomavirus type 52 is a dangerous disease that requires immediate professional treatment. However, after completing the therapeutic course, you will also have to monitor your health. This approach is required to improve well-being and quality of life in general.
- Read also why HPV strain 35 is dangerous
![Human papillomavirus type 52: how it manifests itself and how to treat it (English)](/assets/images/psdpost/dmtlg/virus-papillomy-cheloveka-52-fBPGpKU.webp)