Hoc (Nose)

Hoc (Nose) - the organ of smell and the initial part of the respiratory tract; In the nasal cavity, the inhaled air is warmed, moistened and purified. The external nose is a triangular projection in the middle of the face, which is formed by the nasal bones and a number of cartilages and covered by skin. The nostrils lead into the nasal cavity, lined with a mucous membrane, in which two parts differ from each other in structure and function: respiratory and olfactory. The first is covered with ciliated epithelium with a large number of goblet cells that produce mucus. The olfactory region, located on the superior turbinate and the area of ​​the nasal septum lying at the same level, is covered with olfactory epithelium containing about 10-40 million neurosensory olfactory cells. The nasal septum (nasal septum) divides the nasal cavity into two halves: on the side wall of each there are three nasal conchas, under each there is a nasal passage (meatus). These passages open the paranasal sinuses.

Hoc (Latin for “nose”) is the organ of smell, which is the initial part of the respiratory tract. It is located in the front of the face and is responsible for the perception of smells.

The external nose is a triangular protrusion on the face formed by the nasal bones, cartilage and skin. It is part of the exoskeleton of the face.

Nostrils (English nostrils) are openings in the outer part of the nose through which air enters the nasal cavity. The nostrils are also an entry point for various infections and bacteria.

The nasal cavity is the space that is located inside the external nose. It is lined with mucous membrane and has two main parts: respiratory and olfactory.

The respiratory part of the nasal cavity is covered with ciliated epithelium, which is involved in purifying the air from dust and other particles. It also produces mucus, which humidifies the air and protects the mucous membrane from irritation.

The olfactory part of the nasal cavity is located on the superior turbinate. It is covered with olfactory epithelium, which contains neurosensory olfactory cells. These cells respond to odors and transmit information to the brain.

Hoc plays an important role in human life. It helps us distinguish odors, determine the quality of food and drinks, and respond to various stimuli. However, if the nose does not work properly, it can lead to various diseases such as allergies, rhinitis and others.

The HOC (nose) is the human organ of smell and the initial part of the respiratory tract. It is located in the front of the nasal cavity and serves to warm, humidify and purify the air when breathing.

The external nose is represented by a triangular protrusion in the center of the face formed by the nasal