The Orbicularis muscle is one of the circular muscles of the face. The orbicularis oris muscle surrounds the oral fissure and closes the oral fissure. This muscle is responsible for closing the lips, pursing the lips, and also pulling the lips into a tube.
The circular muscle of the eye (orbicularis oculi), located around each orbit, narrows the palpebral fissure. Contraction of this muscle causes the eyelids to close. The orbicularis oculi muscle consists of three parts - the outer, the inner and the muscle fiber running along the edge of the eyelid.
Thus, the orbicularis facial muscle performs important functions - it allows you to close your lips and close your eyes. She is actively involved in facial expressions and articulation.
The orbicularis muscle is one of the circular muscles of the face that surrounds the oral fissure and also narrows the eye fissures. It plays an important role in facial expressions, as it allows you to create different facial expressions.
The orbicularis facialis muscle is a collection of muscles that are located around the mouth and eyes. They are responsible for the narrowing and widening of the palpebral fissures and oral fissures, as well as for the formation of various facial expressions. The orbicularis facial muscles work in combination with other facial muscles, such as the frontalis, masseter, temporalis, buccal, nasolabial and others.
One of the main functions of the orbicularis oris muscle is to narrow the oral fissure when pronouncing sounds and forming various facial expressions, such as smile, anger, surprise, etc. It is also involved in the formation of facial configuration and expression of emotions.
In addition, the orbicularis oculi muscle plays an important role in the formation of eye expression and narrowing of the palpebral fissures. It works in conjunction with the frontalis and nasolabial muscles to allow the eyes to narrow when expressing surprise, anger, or other emotions.
Thus, the orbicularis muscle is an important element of the face, which plays a key role in facial expression and the formation of emotions. Its proper functioning helps create more expressive and natural facial expressions, which is an important aspect of communication and interaction between people.
The circular muscle (orbicularis, from the Latin orbicularis - circular) is one of the large number of muscles that are used in our face. It is a group of muscles located in the face that are important for the expression of emotions, facial protection, and eye function. In this article we will look at the orbicularis oris and the orbicularis.
The orbicularis orbiculus oris muscle is a muscle in the oral region that surrounds the oral cavity. This muscle plays an important role in the formation of facial expressions and in the performance of various functions. It has two components: the orbicularis oculi muscle and the orbicularis labialis muscle. The orbicularis oculi muscle or orbicularis oculi muscle is a thin skin tissue that is found around the eyeball. It is responsible for narrowing the palpebral fissure, which helps protect the eyes from bright light and prevents the mucous membrane of the eye from drying out. The orbicularis orbicularis oris muscle is responsible for compressing the lips and changing the width of the mouth. It also plays a role in articulation and laughter.
The function of the orbicularis oris muscle or orbicularis oculomotor is to control the movement of the facial muscles and the formation of facial expressions. It is also involved in eating, talking and reading as it regulates muscle tension around the mouth and produces a variety of facial expressions. This means that the orbicularis labii muscles can cause drooping lower eyelids, hypertrophy of the masseter muscles, and loss of healthy tone. Because of this, the orbital orbital muscle or orbicularis oris muscle becomes one of the main causes of poor oral posture and the occurrence of facial wrinkles.