How to get out of the sandbox and start training big?

Training with collapsible dumbbells

In our movement towards physical perfection comes new stage - work with collapsible dumbbells. Thanks to this wonderful projectile, you can significantly increase the load on muscles (especially large ones) and thereby achieve increase muscle mass. A collapsible dumbbell looks like small rod: a metal rod with a handle in the middle, along the edges there are metal disks of different diameters, held in the middle by locks. The best option is Dumbbells are dismountable and rubberized. Each disc is covered with a special polymer coating that prevents: firstly, rusting and corrosion, and secondly, scratches, chips, cuts that can be caused by uninsulated sharp metal edges.

The weight of the dumbbell can be changed within a very wide range, which makes it extremely valuable tool bodybuilding. And for those who work on their body at home and do not have the opportunity to purchase a barbell, collapsible rubber dumbbells can become the most important training tool. It is only important that their weight be as large as possible.

Many novice athletes wonder: “Where can I buy collapsible dumbbells cheaply?” Let's try to answer this question intelligibly...

  1. Well, Firstly, in our modern times, specialized sports stores have appeared like mushrooms after rain. There are a very large number of athletic brands and sports vendors, among which there is a continuous competitive struggle, constantly forcing each of them to constantly improve the quality of their products and reduce their cost. Therefore, purchasing new, good sports equipment cheaply these days is practically no problem.
  2. Secondly, You yourself know how many flea market sites have appeared now, where, probably, if you set a goal, you can buy a space shuttle cheaply, let alone a dumbbell. For example, quite recently I saw on one such site an advertisement for the sale of an exercise bike - for only 50 US dollars. Agree, this is a good help, considering that a new similar copy in the store costs at least 500 evergreens.
  3. Third, with the set goal: “cheaply buy collapsible dumbbells” - you can cope by replacing the word “buy” with the word “make”. For example, at one time I had a couple of small necks cut from rods to order in a few days at a metallurgical plant, and rings were cut from centimeter sheet steel. Of course, such pancakes are not rubberized, without proper coating, and their weight is not at all a multiple of five or ten kilograms. Nevertheless, we got wonderful, almost free sports equipment, and in just a couple of bubbles of forty-degree water. By the way, looking ahead a little, I will say that after this the question of where you can buy a barbell for bodybuilding was answered in a similar way and for about the same price... So, as you can see for yourself, there are many options, the main thing is to set a goal, and Life itself will tell you how to achieve them. On this, I think, let’s end the moral digressions for now and return directly to the nuances of training with a collapsible type of dumbbell...

Now let's talk about level of training, which you must have in order to start training with collapsible dumbbells. If you have worked out with cast dumbbells before, for example, according to the complexes that are given on our website (or others), then you can immediately start training with the complex. Well, if you, a young man, tend to spend your time near the TV or at the computer, and running twenty meters or walking up to the third floor causes you to sweat and rapid breathing, then It's better to strengthen your body first, and then think about the hardware. In this case, we offer you an easy and quick “entry into the world of bodybuilding according to the following scenario:

The first two weeks. Every day, walk at an accelerated pace for 15-30 minutes. Do not necessarily choose an asphalt path; walk in a park or forest, if it is nearby. Go up the hill.

Next two weeks. Jogging, i.e. easy, relaxed run at a low pace. The first distance is 100 meters, the next day - 150, then 200, etc. If such a recipe turns out to be overwhelming, you can run each distance for two days, increasing it on the third, or run every other day.

At the same time, purchase dumbbells, maybe light weight (3-5 kg). At the end of your run, do one of the complexes suggested on our website...

We move on to new stage our long journey - to physical perfection. It differs from those previously discussed in a number of key features.

  1. Well, Firstly, the emphasis in training is primarily on development strength and mass of large muscle groups - arms, legs, torso. The best equipment for this purpose is a barbell. Without it, further progress will be greatly hampered. Therefore, try to buy a barbell and weights, and preferably the weights are also rubberized, and ideally if they are also suitable for your dumbbells. There is no need to chase the enormous total weight of the barbell. To begin with, take a small one, weighing less than 100 kg, at first this will be enough. You will need it racks, which you can easily make yourself. The main thing is that they are reliable. How to assemble a stand yourself “cheaply and cheerfully” at home, shop, in a word, read the sports corner for working with a barbell in our detailed article, written especially for you. By the way, in the same article you can find the answer to another burning question: “Where can I buy a barbell and weights?” If you haven’t read it yet, I strongly recommend that you do so...
  2. Secondly, there will be training be carried out according to the so-called basic schemes: complexes consist of 8-10 exercises that include the main muscle groups. Such exercises are called basic. As for the smaller muscles - the forearms or lower legs, then at first the load that they receive when put into work during basic exercises will be enough for them.

Each exercise is performed in three approaches, the first of which is a warm-up, and the other two are working. The warm-up approach is performed with a weight equal to 50-60 percent of the weight in the working approaches, and the number of repetitions is 10-12-14; its purpose is thorough warming up and preparation for subsequent work of the muscles for which this exercise is intended.

In this case, of course, it is obligatory general warm-up before training: bending and rotating the body, rotating the arms at the shoulder and elbow joints, jumping, squats, etc. The weight of the weights in the working approaches must be such that you can perform only the specified number of repetitions, and no more. And so in both approaches.

Particular attention should be paid to quality execution movements. Firstly, each exercise must be performed “cleanly” and by involving the required muscles in the work, and no others. Do not help yourself with your body or legs where these parts of the body perform only a static function. The projectile must move along a trajectory at a constant speed, and travel the entire intended path from the starting point to the ending point, that is range of motion must be maximum. Constant speed means that you do not have to accelerate the projectile in order to overcome difficult points in the trajectory. For example, when lifting a barbell while standing, the greatest effort must be applied at the moment when the angle between the humerus and forearm is 90 degrees. If the repetition is difficult, then the temptation arises to “yank” the barbell at the beginning of the movement so that it “flies” over the mentioned difficult point by inertia, and even help yourself with your back by tilting your body back (this kind of technique is called “cheating”).

The proposed complex should be performed three times a week. Rest days are for recovery, during which muscle growth occurs. For the first three weeks, it is recommended to do one warm-up and one working approach, after which you move on to performing the complex in full. But don't do more than two working approaches! Otherwise you risk overtrain, and then your progress will stop - the muscles will stop growing.

After you can correctly perform the exercise more times than recommended, increase the weight of the equipment so that you perform only the prescribed number of repetitions. And so on for two months while you work on this complex. In this case, pauses between approaches or exercises should be short - approximately one minute for single exercises and one and a half minutes for super serieswhen two or three exercises are performed without rest, one after the other.

And lastly: intensive, competent work will bring great results only if good nutrition, which must contain a sufficient amount of “building” materials for your muscles, as well as long-lasting night sleep.

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