Trichomycosis (Trichomycosis)

Trichomycosis is a fungal hair disease caused by pathogenic fungi of the genus Corynebacterium. It is characterized by the formation of conglomerates - accumulations of microorganisms around the hair, which leads to its thickening and color change.

Most often, trichomycosis affects the hair of the armpits, less often - hair on the chest, face, beard and mustache. The disease is transmitted by contact and is not dangerous to health, but causes a cosmetic defect.

The main symptoms of trichomycosis:

  1. the appearance of accumulations of microorganisms around the hair, their thickening and color change (usually yellow or brown);

  2. mild itching and peeling of the skin in the affected areas;

  3. a specific smell from the hair in the affected area.

To treat trichomycosis, topical antifungal agents are used. It is also recommended to observe good personal hygiene, regularly change underwear and avoid close contact with a sick person. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable and the disease does not progress.

Trichomycosis (Trichomosis)

**Trichomycosis** is an unpleasant and common fungal hair disease. It is caused by the fungus Trichophyton rubrum and is quite common in humans.

- ***Symptoms: *** With trichomycosis, hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out. Itching, skin irritation and peeling may also occur. In rare cases, allergies and skin rashes may occur. If this disease is not treated promptly, it can become chronic and spread to other parts of the body.