High training loads and important competitions, causing fatigue in the bodybuilder’s body, reduce his functional capabilities. That's why attention of coaches should equally address both the intensification of means and methods of the training process, and the improvement and rationalization of means aimed at muscle recovery after training. To such means include:
- massage,
- steam bath,
- passive rest,
- water procedures,
- as well as fortification.
- Massage as a means of rehabilitation after hard training
- Recovery in sports: steam bath
- Passive rest after physical activity
- Water procedures and their benefits in the process of rehabilitation of the body
- Recovery in bodybuilding: additional vitaminization
Massage as a means of rehabilitation after hard training
Sports massage is an active means of rehabilitation in fitness and bodybuilding. By helping to remove waste products from the muscles, it accelerates recovery processes. By making muscles more elastic, massage helps improve muscle performance and has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs and the central nervous system.
During preparation for serious competitions, it is recommended daily massage. This massage can be general or local character. General massage is applied after a two- to three-day training microcycle, and local massage is applied daily. Local massage is characterized by massaging individual muscles and muscle groups that are directly involved in the main sports exercise (for example, massaging the muscles of the lower leg and thigh in runners, speed skaters, volleyball players, arm and back muscles in rowers, etc.).
The optimal time for a massage session is 50-60 minutes. Local massage is advisable to use both before and after training. During competitions, massage can also be carried out in breaks between individual attempts, approaches and halves.
When performing a massage, the following must be observed: methodological provisions:
- All techniques must be performed in the direction of the lymphatic pathways. Hands should be massaged, starting from the fingers, moving to the elbow, from the elbow further to the armpit; legs - from the feet to the knees, from the knees to the area of the inguinal lymph nodes; chest and back - moving from the middle to the sides; neck - going down from top to bottom. Remember: the lymph nodes themselves cannot be massaged;
- The areas of the body being massaged should be largely relaxed;
- The skin during the massage, naturally, should be clean, preferably sprinkled with talcum powder or lubricated with boric vaseline. If the massage is done in a bathhouse, the massaged areas are soaped.
Another excellent tool focused on recovery in sports in general, and accordingly, recovery in bodybuilding in particular, is self-massage. However, this option cannot replace a massage performed by a specialist. However, every bodybuilder should be able to use basic self-massage techniques, since it is necessary in everyday life and during competitions.
Recovery in sports: steam bath
Steam bath activates the activity of the sweating system, improves the thermoregulation of the athlete’s body, accelerates the removal of breakdown products, promotes muscle relaxation, that is, in general, it significantly speeds up our recovery after training. In sports practice, a wet steam bath (Russian) and a dry steam bath (Finnish) are used. The latter is more effective, since its high temperature (up to 90°) is tolerated more easily by athletes. In terms of its effect on the athlete’s body, the bathhouse can be equated to training with an average load.
A visit to the bathhouse should be scheduled for end of the weekly cycle workout. Before and after the bath, the training load should be slightly reduced. When visiting the bathhouse, you must adhere to the following rules: upon entering the steam room, sit quietly downstairs for 3-5 minutes until the first slight sweating occurs; then, slowly, go upstairs and steam with a broom for 5-10 minutes; go downstairs and after a 2-3 minute rest, leave the steam room and wash with warm water. This entire procedure can be repeated 1-2 times, reducing (if necessary) the time spent at the top to 3-5 minutes.
Visiting the bathhouse is advisable combine with massage or self-massage. Combination straightaway several rehabilitation techniques only has a positive effect on muscle recovery after training... You should not douse yourself with cold water during the entire time you are in a sauna or steam room. A cool shower or swimming in cold water is permissible only after the procedure is completed.
Sometimes a steam bath is used for weight loss. In this case, the duration of stay in the steam room should be slightly increased. To increase sweating, you can periodically remove sweat from the skin. After the steam room, without taking a shower, you need to go to the locker room and lie down, wrapped in a blanket or sheet, for 20-30 minutes and then wash in the shower. You should not drink water after a steam bath. In case of acute thirst or signs of weakness, you can drink half a glass of tea with lemon or eat an orange.
It is advisable to use a steam bath after the end of the training microcycle and 2-3 days before the start of important competitions.
Passive rest after physical activity
Passive rest - this is, first of all night sleep in clean air and in silence for at least 8 hours, and afternoon nap within 1 -1.5 hours. When training three times a day in those sports that require endurance, three sleeps a day can be recommended: 1 hour after breakfast, 1-1.5 hours after lunch, night sleep lasting up to 9 hours.
Water procedures and their benefits in the process of rehabilitation of the body
Water procedures allow a bodybuilder relax the muscles body and help relieve nervous tension after important competitions. Water procedures (lying in the bath, “light” swimming, rubbing, etc.) can be recommended to all athletes within 10-15 minutes immediately after the end of a training session or sports competition.
Recovery in bodybuilding: additional vitaminization
Of great importance for accelerating the recovery processes is additional fortification. In this regard, during intensive training sessions, as well as before important competitions, it is recommended to take various vitamin and nutritional mixtures and preparations.
Below are the most accessible and commonly used ones.
- Multivitamin concentrate (taken before the start in addition to the usual vitamin supplementation standards) contains vitamin C -125 mg, B1-6 mg, B2-2.5 mg, PP -8 mg, A -0.25 mg. In speed-strength sports, take 1-2 doses of concentrate 30-40 minutes before the start, in endurance sports - 2-4 doses 10-15 minutes before the start.
- Dry sports-vitamin drink (usually produced by industry, but can be prepared independently), which includes: glucose -200 g, sugar -100 g, ascorbic acid -1 g, glutamic acid -0.5 g, sodium phosphate -3 g, sodium chloride -1.7 g, citric acid -4-5 g, blackcurrant or cranberry extract -15-20 g. The mixture is dissolved in 700 -800 cm3 warm water or fruit juice. For short-term intense loads, take 100 g of solution 1-2 hours before the start, for long-term “endurance” loads, the same dose 10-15 minutes before the start. This drink can be recommended after a morning workout for quick recovery before an evening workout.
- In the absence of a dry sports drink, we can recommend a nutritional mixture close to its composition: sugar -60 g, glucose -50 g, freshly squeezed fruit juice -40 g, ascorbic acid -1 g, citric acid -2 g, sodium phosphate -2 g, table salt -1 g, water -200 cm3. You can also add 20 grams of soluble starch to the mixture or, instead of water, 10% oatmeal decoction (boil 20 g of oatmeal in a glass of water and strain through cheesecloth).
- After intense, responsible competitions, it is useful to take a glass of the solution of the following composition: 100 g of sugar is dissolved in 1 glass of water, 10 drops of a pharmaceutical preparation of slightly diluted hydrochloric acid are added, everything needs to be boiled, preferably in an enamel bowl for 15-20 minutes.
- For long-term competitions or intense training, as well as for athletes losing weight, we can recommend the so-called meat juice, which is prepared as follows: 1 kg of fresh meat is passed through a meat grinder, salted, pepper and bay leaf are added to taste, and then the bottle is filled with minced meat. The sealed bottle should be placed in boiling water for 3-4 hours, then strained and the juice should be drunk hot. Meat juice is applied in doses of 150-200 g.
- A high-quality nutritional mixture is prepared from the widespread product Hercules oat flakes as follows: 1/2-3/4 cups of flakes are boiled in 0.5 liters of water at low boil for 6-8 minutes, then the mixture is seasoned with butter, condensed milk, raisins.
Table. Doses of vitaminizing recovery agents |
Admission deadline |
Nature of loads |
short-term intense (speed and strength) |
long-term “endurance” |
1.5-2 hours before the start 30-40 minutes before the start Before the start (within 10-15 minutes) |
100 cm3 dry drink solution (50 g powder) with the addition of 1.5 g sodium phosphate 1) Multivitamin tablets (1-2 pcs.) 2) Ascorbic acid; (150-200 mg) |
1) Protein-glucose chocolate -50 g 2) 100 cm3 dry drink solution (50 g powder) with the addition of 1.5 g sodium phosphate 1) Multivitamin tablets (2-4 pcs.) 2) 100 cm3 dry drink solution (50 g of powder) with the addition of 200-500 mg of ascorbic acid |
If a dry drink is not available, then 1.5-2 hours before the start, it can be recommended to take a solution containing the following components: 40 g of glucose or sucrose, 2 g of sodium phosphate and 3-5 g of citric acid, and before the start for prolonged exercise “endurance” -100 cm3 the same solution with the addition of 200-300 mg of ascorbic acid. Phosphoric acid salts and ascorbic acid are added to the dry drink to enhance its effect only in especially critical cases.
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