Rank standards for powerlifting. Weighing and Judging

Weighing is carried out no earlier than 2 hours before the start of the competition in this category in the direct presence of 3 appointed judges and lasts 1.5 hours. Athletes use the remaining time to prepare for the competition. Each participant is weighed in a separate room in the presence of his coach and three judges. An athlete's true weight is not released to the public until all candidates competing in the selected category have been weighed in.

An hour before the start, lots will be drawn to determine the weigh-in order. It also determines the sequence of lifts during competitions, when participants order the same weight for their attempts.

If the weight does not correspond to the category, the athlete can repeat the weigh-in within 1.5 hours, but after all participants in the competition have passed it


10 minutes before weigh-in, an athlete can change his usual category by contacting the chief judge of the competition.

The panel of judges includes:
  1. judge-informant;
  2. timekeeper;
  3. stewards;
  4. protocol takers;
  5. assistants on the platform.

At competitions Necessarily there is a doctor present.

Judge-informant organizes attempts, announces the set weight required for the next attempt and the participant’s full name (calls him to the platform, announces the set weight).

Timekeeper monitors the recording of the time interval between the announcement of the barbell readiness signal and the beginning of the participant’s attempt, as well as ensuring that the athlete leaves the platform within 30 seconds after the attempt.

The competitor is given 1 minute after being called to the platform to begin the attempt. If the athlete starts moving at the set time, the clock stops. If a 2nd or 3rd attempt is made using the normal system and there is a movement queue at the same time, receives 3 minutes with a mandatory warning signal after the first two minutes. In squats and bench presses, the beginning of the attempt coincides with the judge’s starting signal, and in deadlifts, with the beginning of lifting the barbell.

Administrative Judge immediately after completing the exercise, he should approach the participant and ask how much weight he will lift in the next attempt. The competitor is given 1 minute between the completion of the previous attempt and informing the informant judge, through the distributor, of the weight declared for the next one. If the participant does not report the new weight within a minute, the weight on the apparatus will be adjusted at the request of the next participant in the classic sequence.

Assistants on the platform provide assistance to athletes preparing for attempts.

Possible errors when loading:
  1. if the weight on the apparatus is less than the initial one, the attempt is counted; if the attempt is unsuccessful, the participant is given an additional approach at the end of the round with the initially desired (requested) weight;
  2. if the barbell is loaded with a heavier weight than originally requested and the attempt is successful, it is counted. If unsuccessful, the participant will be given an additional set with the weight initially requested by the athlete.

Three unsuccessful attempts in any of the movements the participant is automatically removed (excluded) from the competition.

During the competition, on the main platform or stage there are three judges, one of which is main or central and two are lateral. The Chief Judge is responsible for giving the proper signals in all 3 movements.

The signals for the three movements are:


Type of movement Start Finish
Squat Visible: downward movement of the arm accompanied by a clear command: “Squat!” Visible: reverse movement of the hand along with a clear command: “On the racks!”
Press Sound: “Clap.” If the athlete is deaf, the head judge may give a visual signal Visual: movement of the referee’s hand with the sound command: “On the racks!”
Traction not required Visual: downward movement of the hand with the sound command: “Down!”

Immediately upon returning the bar to the platform or racks at the end of the movement, all judges announce their decision to the public using light signals:

  1. I) white - “good rise”,
  2. II) red - “failure”.

Noticing error or inaccuracy sufficient for immediate disqualification in this type of movement, the touch judge must raise his hand. If the main referee and the side judges agree with this decision, the first one stops the movement at any safe (in his opinion) point and gives the participant a signal: a downward movement of the hand and a clear voice command: “On the racks!”, and also, as an alternative, “Put !

Before the start of the movement, if any member of the judging panel does not count the position of the barbell or the starting position of the athlete, they may call the competitor's attention to the error. If the majority of the judges believe that a violation has been committed, the main judge does not give a signal to begin the movement. The head judge is not obliged to explain to the athlete his mistake if he has some unused time that he can use to correct the grip position of the barbell or body position in order to receive a permissive signal.

Judges are required to refrain from any comments, not to receive any documents and not to give verbal reports regarding the progress of the competition.

The chief judge has the right to consult with the side judges, the jury or any other official to force the course of the competition.

After the competition, the three judges sign official results tables (points), certificates of records and any other documents.

A judge elected as chief in one category may act as a side judge in another.

Powerlifting categories and basic powerlifting standards

In men's powerlifting, sports categories are assigned when the following standards are met at competitions:

Table: Rank standards for powerlifting

Powerlifting standards, category requirements



Titles and categories in powerlifting, barbell weight (kg)

III II I KMC MS I junior II junior
52 kg Press 67,5 80 90 100 65 60
Squat 90 95 105 125 80 70
Traction 100 105 115 140 85 80
Sum 365 440
56 kg Press 75 85 95 110 70 62,5
Squat 100 105 117,5 135 85 75
Traction 110 115 125 145 90 85
Sum 390 475
60 kg Press 85 90 100 120 75 67,5
Squat 105 120 130 150 95 85
Traction 115 130 140 160 105 95
Sum 430 515
67.5 kg Press 90 100 110 127,5 80 72,5
Squat 115 125 140 162,5 105 90
Traction 125 135 150 170 115 105
Sum 460 570
75 kg Press 95 107.5 115 135 87,5 75
Squat 120 132,5 150 170 115 100
Traction 130 145 160 180 122,5 115
Sum 485 620
82.5 kg Press 105 120 130 150 92,5 80
Squat 135 155 170 180 120 105
Traction 145 160 175 190 135 120
Sum 510 660
90 kg Press 110 127,5 140 157,5 100 85
Squat 140 165 175 185 130 115
Traction 155 170 185 192,5 140 130
Sum 535 690
100 kg Press 120 132,5 150 165 105 90
Squat 155 170 130 200 132,5 120
Traction 175 185 200 215 147,5 135
Sum 580 725
110 kg Press 132,5 140 160 180 110 95
Squat 167,5 177,5 190 215 140 125
Traction 185 197,5 210 225 155 140
Sum 620 750
125 kg Press 140 150 170 190 115 110
Squat 175 187,5 205 225 150 130
Traction 190 200 220 230 165 150
Sum 645 765
Over 125 kg Press 145 157,5 180 200 122,5 105
Squat 180 192,5 210 240 160 140
Traction 195 205 225 250 180 155
Sum 690 785
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