
Parathion - organophosphorus compound - pesticide; when it is inhaled, enters the gastrointestinal tract, or is absorbed through the skin, poisoning occurs. Like some other organophosphate compounds, parathion interferes with the enzyme cholinesterase, resulting in excessive stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Symptoms of poisoning include headaches, profuse sweating and salivation, lacrimation, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle spasms. To treat poisoning, patients are prescribed atropine.

Parathion - deadly poison

Parathion is considered one of the most dangerous chemical compounds. Organophosphorus compounds affect the human nervous system, which means that a person often dies from nervous shock even before the ambulance arrives. In our article we will talk about what symptoms are characteristic of parathyroid poisoning and what treatment is usually used. * **Toxic effect**

Parathion is an active poison that affects the central and peripheral nervous system. This substance can cause respiratory and circulatory problems, increase blood pressure, and lead to convulsions, stroke or paralysis. The effect of parathion's interaction with the body depends on the method of entry of the poison and the time of its exposure to the body. Poisoning can be acute or chronic, depending on the presence of immunity in the human body. The age of the patient is of great importance. For example, children are extremely susceptible to poisoning by non-steroidal parathion drugs, so this type of medicine is unsuitable

Parathion is an organophosphorus compound that is used to control various types of insects and rodents. It is one of the most widely used types of pesticides in agriculture and horticulture. However, parathion can be very dangerous to a person's health if it becomes airborne around them or if it is ingested. This is due to the fact that when parathion is inhaled or ingested, a significant change in the functioning of the nervous and respiratory systems occurs.

When parathion is inhaled in the environment, it can cause irritation and coughing in humans. Inhaling it may also cause headaches and