Parasitology Military

Parasitology in wars

Parasitology is an important science that studies living organisms that cause parasitic diseases. The section of field medicine devoted to describing the phenomenon of parasitism is called scientific parasitology, which includes a section - military parasitology. She studies the patterns of occurrence and spread of various types of parasitic forms of the animal world and the principles of organizing a multifaceted system of measures to prevent the spread of parasitic infections among military personnel.

Military parasitology studies the emergence and control of parasitic diseases during the time period of conflicts between people.

This field of science deals with the fight against the following diseases: malaria

Due to the importance of the tasks of preventing, identifying and combating parasitaria in military personnel and monitoring possible changes in this problem, a special scientific direction was created - Military parasitology. Military parasitology studies epizootological features, patterns of occurrence of infectious and parasitic diseases among military personnel, the effectiveness of measures to combat these diseases and their prevention.

The relevance of the study of military parasitology is beyond doubt, both from the point of view of its decision and from the point of view of adoption. Currently, an important aspect is not only the quantitative parameters of population morbidity, but also its qualitative composition. Military morbidity among the population and occupational diseases of military personnel represent a qualitatively and quantitatively different problem than the ordinary population. This aspect, which is of great importance in the development of both the epidemic process and public medicine in general, remained for a long time outside of scientific interest.

The theoretical foundations of military epidemiology as an important link in medical and preventive support for the activities of the Russian Federation were laid thanks to the purposeful scientific and practical activities of military doctors since the middle of the last century. With the accession of Western Europe to the USSR, the concept of European infectious pathology arose. Its essence was that any infectious disease was characterized as a military-epidemiological one, manifesting itself in established foci. For example, cholera-like diseases, endemic bacterioses of the tropics, aphthous lesions were already known in Western Europe by the beginning of the 20th century. Accordingly, experience in preventive activities appeared, where teachings about environmental hygiene and water balance (