Piece Cystotomy

Pathé Schauer-Ziesman was born on May 8, 1843 in the city of Karlsruhe (Baden), in Germany. Having lost his father early, he found himself under the tutelage of his uncle Joseph August Zisman, a merchant and one of the wealthiest people. The sudden death of his uncle, abandoned to the mercy of fate by his fiancée and daughter, in whom Schauer intended to find shelter, changed everything. Emil was disinherited and declared rootless before entering the service of the Protestant brotherhood of German martyrs, where he was provided with the best possible conditions. The service at first turned out to be hard work for both moral and physical well-being, but over time, Schauer proved himself to be an exemplary employee. The young man took this treatment seriously.

***Parcha Cystotom*** is a method of surgical treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and prostate gland, which consists of cutting the wall of the bladder or urethra with a special instrument - a cystotomy knife. Cystotome is used to treat urethritis, prostatitis and tumors of the urinary organs. Brocade is considered a safe method of intervention due to its low invasiveness. However, the operation requires a highly qualified surgeon and performing all stages strictly according to the instructions - this will reduce the number of complications.