
Parkinsonism usually occurs when the subcortical nodes of the brain are damaged as a result of the slow death of their cells for an as yet unknown reason (Parkinson's disease), with inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), with atherosclerosis of its vessels, carbon monoxide or manganese poisoning, with many years of uncontrolled use of reserpine or other drugs .

With parkinsonism, movements are slow, muscles are tense, the face is frozen, the gait is in small steps; it is difficult for the patient to perform the most ordinary actions - getting dressed, fastening buttons. Typically trembling, which often begins with the hand, as if the patient were rolling bread balls with his fingers; trembling also occurs in the head and legs; it usually intensifies when the patient does not move or with strong excitement, decreases with movement and disappears during sleep.

It is easier for the patient to begin movements on command; he can give such commands to himself; It is easier for him to walk if there are any landmarks on the floor surface, for example, a parquet strip of a different color, a multi-colored tiled floor, linoleum with a checkerboard or striped pattern. Therefore, some patients find it easier to walk on the street, where the surface they step on is not so monotonous.

At home, on the recommendation of a doctor, patients with Parkinsonism can be taught to relieve muscle tension with the help of various exercises, which are better to start doing in warm water, as this makes it easier to relax the muscles. If trembling predominates, the patient should not lie or sit for a long time. It is important to remember that trembling increases at rest, and when moving it decreases, however, in cases of excitement and anxiety, it also increases during movement. It is useful for such patients to do light gymnastic exercises for the arms, legs and torso in a calm environment, to train precise movements - to assemble jigsaw puzzles, to fold children's blocks.

Patients with Parkinsonism need to be taught to take care of themselves, even if it is very difficult, and, if possible, to help loved ones around the house, since this is also physical training. All medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. For those suffering from Parkinsonism, a dairy-vegetable diet is preferable, restriction in the diet of meat, egg yolks, lard, and it is recommended to avoid fried foods.

Parkinsonism does not interfere with the performance of professional duties for quite a long time, especially for mental workers. When trembling and muscle stiffness increase to such an extent that a person cannot cope with his usual work, it is better to switch to easier work. Complete removal from work can significantly worsen the condition. It is very important to maintain interest in the environment - reading, going to the cinema, theater, etc.

Parkinsonism is a chronic progressive disease of the central nervous system and extrapyramidal system associated with damage to the nerve pathway from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum and the red nucleus. This syndrome was discovered by James Parkinson in the 18th century, which did not allow doctors to fully identify all the signs of the disease. What is parkinsonism and what is the pattern of symptoms?

Parkinsonism occurs when any of the main parts of the extrapyramidal systems responsible for coordination and motor skills are damaged. In this case, motor coordination is impaired, there is a loss of muscle tone and a decrease in the range of motion in the joints. The mechanism of development of the disease includes neurodynamic dysfunctions and diseases of the peripheral nervous system. All this leads to increasing muscle hypotonia and speech dysfunction: aphasia, apraxia, amnesia.