
A paroxysmal state is a condition that is characterized by sudden and short-term attacks of illness that can be caused by various reasons. It can manifest itself in various forms, such as epilepsy, arrhythmia, migraine and others.

Paroxysmal conditions can be very dangerous to human health and life, so it is necessary to promptly seek medical help. Treatment for paroxysmal conditions depends on the cause and may include medications, surgery, or other treatments.

Paroxysmal disorders are a group of diseases of various origins characterized by recurrent attacks. The harbinger of an attack is usually its exact or similar verbal preparation by a person. The entire series of paroxysms can last from several minutes to many days and nights in a row, with periodic resumption after a forced break. But the attack itself is a short episode (“wave”), a period of the most intense disorder, after which a long-term or reversible improvement occurs, until complete recovery. These signs are inherent in paroxysmal disorders as syndromic units.

The name “paroxysial” comes from the Greek words “para” (about) and “oxys” (flash, violent course), and it is due to the fact that attacks are always preceded by some kind of irritant. The onset of the disease indicates another feature of these disorders - a significant severity of somato-vegetative reactions, therefore such “conditions” received the very specific name “pathology of the sympathetic nervous system.” But since all vascular, motor and secretory reactions are vegetative manifestations, the scope of action of the sympathetic department of the central nervous system expands significantly. That is why the pathology of the cardiovascular system, combined with neurological symptoms, form a parasynonym (literally - around the vessels).

The paroxysmal form allows people to fully take a break from the problems of everyday life, therefore, the harmonious development of this condition has a positive effect on their mental state.