
Parorexia is a less common mental health disorder in which a person experiences excessive appetite and excessive cravings for food. Parorexics cannot control their appetites, they are constantly hungry, and they are ready to eat everything that is in front of them. This condition can lead to obesity, dental disease, stomach disease and other serious illnesses.

Parorexia is one of the most mysterious pathologies of the human mental state. Another name for it is allorexia. One thing is certain: it is not a complete replacement for the generally accepted norm in terms of regulating behavior. The causes of the disease are essentially unknown, and it is difficult to diagnose. The problem comes from controlling instincts. In this case, with a burning desire to obtain food. If the disease is not treated, but is monitored only to record symptoms, the patient will certainly die. This fatal condition occurs in 80% of cases.

It manifests itself in different ways. One category of people regularly overeats in the company of other people; the second is constantly hungry even in the situation of a hearty lunch. Still others are simply unable to deny themselves food, even if it turns into a routine or becomes painful torture for the stomach and intestines. Some people only want to eat all the time

Parorexia is a type of gluttony that is characterized by repeated bouts of frantic overeating, especially foods that contain a high percentage of fat, sugar and salt. In psychiatry, this behavior is known as compulsive overeating.

Historically, the first description of the disease appeared in 50 AD in a book entitled “On the Madness of Those Obsessed with Hexing.” The Greek historian Cornelius Tacitus argued that such people are obsessed with only one desire - to satisfy their hunger. The author noted that they