Trembling Hysterical

Hysterical or nervous trembling (from the Greek anesthis - insensibility) is a type of obsessive-compulsive neurosis, an obsessive desire to perform or repeat certain actions. For example, being nervous for no reason before leaving the house, locking the front door several times, tugging at the tails of your coat, etc. More generally, the focus may be on all or individual acts of behavior, speech, manual manipulation, movements and manners of caring, behavior in general, or justifying the expected negative behavior of others. A decisive role is played by increased control, both in the form of fear for the possibility of failure or demands from the outside, and self-control in the form of an obsessive desire to check the completion of a task or the need to occupy oneself with something before completing the task. Neurosis occurs in impressionable people, more often in women; its development leads to a neurotic lifestyle.