
What is this?

Parosmia is a phenomenon where a person perceives an inappropriate or unusual odor that others do not perceive. It can manifest itself in different forms: someone smells an odorless smell, while others smell a smell that causes nausea. As a rule, sensations during parosmia do not occur in the mouth, but deep in the head. This occurs due to a malfunction in our brain and internal organs.

Symptoms of this disease usually appear without any cause or symptoms. And since this pathology does not have pronounced signs, it is not easy to diagnose it correctly. And patients themselves are rarely interested in their health status. They think that strange smells are familiar to them.

What does the brain have to do with it?

It turns out that in the human brain there are so-called balance nuclei. These formations are responsible for feelings of balance and blood acidity levels. They also affect the oxygen saturation of the lungs.

If malfunctions occur in any areas of the brain, problems may arise in recognizing odors: 1) a malfunction occurs in the posterior olfactory tubercle - the patient begins to perceive taste impurities instead of odors; 2) disorders in the right hemisphere of the brain - patients mistakenly believe that they perceive a persistent odor, although there is none; 3) disruptions in the left hemisphere of the brain can cause paresthesia - a feeling of tingling or itching in the skin.