
Scab is a contagious fungal disease of the scalp caused by dermatophytes. Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick person or animal.

Main symptoms:

  1. Red, inflamed areas and yellow crusts appear on the scalp, which eventually merge into a solid crust.

  2. The hair in the affected areas becomes dull, becomes dry and brittle, and is easily pulled out.

  3. Possible permanent baldness.


  1. Hair cutting in the affected area.

  2. Soaking and removing crusts.

  3. Pulling out diseased hair.

  4. Rub the affected areas daily with green soap and iodine mixture.

  5. Repeat treatment in case of relapse.


  1. Avoid direct contact with sick people.

  2. Thorough disinfection of things and premises.

  3. Regular examination and treatment of pets.

Scab is dangerous due to possible permanent baldness. Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor and thorough treatment are important.


**Scab** is a fungal skin disease that can affect various areas of the body, including hair and nails. It appears as white or yellow spots, which may be accompanied by itching and flaking of the skin. Scab is a contagious disease and is transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces, as well as through the use of