Partial Intestinal Obstruction

Partial obstruction is a violation of intestinal patency in which part of the intestine remains passable. This type of obstruction is rarer than complete obstruction. However, in some cases it can cause serious complications and lead to surgery. In the article we will look at the main causes of partial obstruction, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of Intestinal Obstruction When the intestinal canal is affected, food cannot pass freely throughout the digestive tract. This usually occurs due to one or more factors, such as: * Increased pressure - If an increased concentration of gases or liquid in the stomach creates excess pressure in the intestine, this can lead to a narrowing of the lumen for food to pass through. * Infection - Certain types of bacteria can cause a bacterial infection in the intestines, which can block the passage of food or cause a narrowing of the intestines. * Tumors - In rare cases, cancer can impair intestinal motility, which can lead to partial intestinal obstruction. In addition, any other tissue or inflammation in the intestine can also obstruct its patency.