Anetoderma Atrophica Jadassohn

Anatomy and mechanism of disease development

Atrophic anesthesia was described by Jadassen in 1864. In the 1930s, Gaity discovered the disease, calling it "angerotoderma."

Relapse of the disease lasts from 3-4 to 11 years. If it is constant, then the disease becomes chronic and can last a lifetime. The disease may be accompanied by concomitant pathologies, such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, allergic reactions, etc. Relapse is possible at any age, but is most common in childhood. The reasons for the failure are the expansion of epidermal elements and a decrease in local immunity.

Visual and instrumental diagnostic methods at an early stage do not provide enough information. There are no obvious deviations from the norm in the clinical blood analysis of patients. Often, a doctor can order a histological examination to determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. The diagnostic process includes the following methods: * visual examination of the epidermis * instrumental studies (ultrasound, radiography, endoscopy) * biochemical and laboratory blood tests

Dopplerography or fluoroscopy, duplex scanning of blood vessels, as well as ultrasound imaging may be prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, patients can be prescribed dermabrasion or cryosurgery