Patronage for a pregnant woman

Patronage for pregnant women is an important stage in a woman’s life, which requires special attention and care. During pregnancy, a woman may face various problems, such as toxicosis, swelling, back pain and others. Therefore, it is important that a pregnant woman is under the supervision of qualified specialists who can provide her with the necessary help and support.

Patronage of pregnant women is carried out by obstetricians-gynecologists and patronage nurses of antenatal clinics or obstetricians. They monitor the health of a pregnant woman, control her nutrition, physical activity and emotional state. In addition, they can provide examinations and consultations on issues related to pregnancy and childbirth.

An important aspect of patronage for pregnant women is psychological support. A pregnant woman may experience stress, anxiety and depression, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, visiting nurses and obstetricians-gynecologists must be able to communicate with women, provide them with emotional support and help them solve problems.

In addition, patronage of pregnant women includes the implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing complications of pregnancy and childbirth. This may include controlling weight, preventing anemia, monitoring blood pressure and other factors that may affect a pregnant woman's health.

Overall, maternity care is an important part of the pregnancy and childbirth process and helps ensure the safety and well-being of the woman and her baby.

Basic principles of providing medical care to the female population outside of pregnancy: healthy lifestyle; increased physical activity; immunoprophylaxis, as well as the use of personal protective equipment; breastfeeding support; active prevention of the development of pregnancy pathologies; abortion prevention; examination and treatment during pregnancy before childbirth in antenatal clinics, in outpatient obstetric and gynecological institutions, and during childbirth - in the gynecological department of a maternity hospital or in emergency departments of a hospital;

Basic principles of providing perinatal medical care: medical evacuation of a pregnant woman in case of premature birth from the antenatal clinic, obstetric department of the maternity hospital, gynecological department of the trauma center to the health care institution of the corresponding regional, city service providing perinatal care; and for non-pregnant women with urgent obstetric problems (maternity and extrapartum hemorrhage, decompensated conditions due to obstetric pathology) – to the emergency department; active provision of hospitalization for pregnant women,