Spiders, karakurts and tarantulas

As for tarantulas, observant and experienced people in such things say that there are six varieties of them, but when describing each variety they express themselves differently. One of the doctors you can rely on says that tarantulas of the first variety, called ratiyun, are insects  round in shape and grape-colored - by grape-colored they mean blackish. The second variety is called lukuo, they are wider in body than those that have a round shape on the parts of the body that form the neck, they have clear notches, and three loose, smooth growths protrude above the mouth and protrude.

The third variety is Myrmekius, they are the size of a large ant called ujruf, their color is rather ashen, their body, especially near the back, is covered with small protruding red scales.

The fourth variety is silkirufuklun. His whole body and head are solid, and he has two wings, like the wings of a large ant.

The fifth variety is siklikun. It has a long, thin body and spots on its body, especially near the head and neck.

The sixth variety of kurtufulkitis. This is an insect with a long body, green below the neck and has something like a needle.

The said doctor attributes the same symptoms to the bite of tarantulas of all varieties, but another adds special symptoms. Another doctor, not this one, says Tarantula is a crawling insect similar to a spider called a cheetah, and a cheetah is a fly hunter.

There are many varieties of tarantulas, as Galen says, there are twelve species, and the worst of them is the Egyptian. Tarantulas are red, spider-like, round, and there are also black smoky, also like a spider, or spotted or white, star-shaped, with a round abdomen, a sharp back, with bright stripes. There are also yellow tarantulas, covered with fluff, as well as grape-colored tarantulas, especially distinguished by this name: their mouth is in the middle of the head, their legs are short, leaning back. When such a tarantula is about to sting, it rises up, leaning on its legs, and when it wants to strike with its sting, it emits a little liquid. It is smaller than the grape tarantula mentioned before.

There is also an ant tarantula - it looks like an ant and has a red neck, a black head and a white back, strewn with multi-colored dots, as well as a tarantula, similar to a Spanish fly, and a wasp-like, red, similar to a wasp. Galen further establishes the phenomena arising from the bite of each of these varieties.

There is also the lenticular tarantula, so named because it is small and round, like a lentil seed. He has a small mouth, a red belly, white legs, and is very fluffy. As for the Egyptian tarantula mentioned earlier, it is very ugly - with a large belly and a large head and looks like a fly that flies around a lamp.