Spiders, Tarantulas, Karakurt

Spider and tarantula bites can be dangerous to humans. After a bite, you must immediately bandage the area above the bite so that the poison does not spread throughout the body. You should try to suck out the wound if there is no damage in the mouth. Otherwise, you can use a jar or bottle to suck out the poison. Then it is recommended to cauterize the wound with a hot nail or preparations such as lapis or sulfuric acid. Then you need to put disinfectant lotions on the bite.

Karakurt bites are especially dangerous. This spider is also called the "apricot midge" as it is most often found where apricot trees grow. After a karakurt bite, severe itching begins and a pimple appears, which can fester. Scratching the pimple enlarges and the itching becomes unbearable. Blood poisoning and other dangerous complications may occur. It is important not to scratch the bite site, but to immediately treat it with iodine and apply a warm compress with a disinfectant. This will help prevent the poison from spreading throughout the body.