Pautova-Laskova Method of Expanding the Lumen of the Larynx (N. A. Pautov, Soviet Otorhinolaryngologist; I. Yu. Laskov, Soviet Otorhinolaryngologist)

Purpose of the work: to study methods of treatment of chronic laryngeal stenosis and evaluate the effectiveness of the pautova-tender method of expanding the lumen of the laryngeal cavity.

Job objectives:

1. Study of methods of treatment of chronic laryngeal stenosis. 2. Determination of the effectiveness of the Pautova-Lashkov method of expanding the lumen of the larynx. 3. Analysis of literature data on new approaches to the treatment of chronic stenosis and expansion of the lumen of the throat. 4. Identification of the results of the first surgical experiment (laryngotomy).

Introduction. An elastic tube is inserted into the larynx through a tracheostomy. Using a special needle, a few drops of an isotonic sodium chloride solution are applied to the tube. The elasticity of the tube is transferred to the liquid column. Due to this, the tissues move apart, the lumen expands and the neck narrows. Gradually the tube dissolves. This modern method allows you to restore normal patency of the laryngeal canal. Restoring breathing is, first of all, a threat to stopping the patient’s life. Timely treatment makes it possible to resume full breathing, thereby increasing the patient’s chances of a full recovery. The main stages of surgical intervention: * Laryngotracheolaryngostomy, formation of a laryngostoma through submucosal access; * Tracheal intubation with a metal tube; * Submucosal dissection with fibropop when dissecting the cartilage of the vocal fold and trachea to install a laryngeal mask; Installation of laryngeal plastic implants using the developed method. Conclusion. Thus, we can say that the method of treating chronic laryngeal stenosis using elastic tubes is by far the most effective way to treat this disease.


Pautova-Laskov's method of expanding the lumen of the chontrae (n. a. spiders, modern otolaryngintern, i. y. slakina, modern otolaryngintern) - a surgical operation for prolonged stenosis of the larynx, conclusion which occurred in the formation of laryngostomy and the introduction of elastic wires into the span of the penclave, expanding its span.

No greetings, let's look at the issue in more detail.

The laryngeal lumen is the opening in the larynx through which air passes during breathing. If the lumen narrows or completely closes, this can lead to breathing difficulties, even stopping completely. There are various methods to treat this problem, one of which is surgical expansion of the lumen of the larynx.

The method, developed by Soviet otorhinolaryngologists Nikolai Pautov and Ivan Laskov, involves inserting a special elastic tube into the lumen of the larynx, which expands its lumen and facilitates the patient’s breathing.

This procedure is called "Expansion of the lumen of the larynx." It is used for chronic narrowing of the lumen, which cannot be treated with other methods. The essence of the procedure is the formation of an artificial laryngostoma - a plate that is fixed at the bottom of the larynx and allows you to expand its lumen without the need to remove hard tissue.

During the operation, a special laryngoscopy device is used, which allows the surgeon to see the required area of ​​the larynx and insert a tube into it. The tube is made of a soft, elastic material and expands inside the larynx under the influence of gravity. After the tube is expanded, it is firmly fixed around the walls of the larynx using a laser.

Some complications may occur during the procedure, such as swelling of the larynx or an allergic reaction to the tube material. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, these complications pass quickly enough and are not life-threatening for the patient. In addition, after surgery, the patient's life expectancy may be increased due to improved breathing and avoidance of suffocation.