
What is the maximum allowable annual intake? MAP are the maximum permissible values ​​of annual emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, which must fit within the actual and predicted emissions of industrial enterprises for which they are established. RAPs are approved by Rostechnadzor. The value of the maximum permissible limit is the main controlled parameter within the framework of Russian environmental policy in the field of emissions of air pollutants.

Disadvantages of the RAP When we consider the RAP, we should remember that in this case we are talking about creating limiting parameters. Let us remind you by what formula this indicator is calculated: MAP = (Ni x Ki) / t x Ksh. In this case, the values ​​​​that enterprises need to focus on in order to reduce the maximum permissible emission values ​​are presented. The standards are established by technical regulations TR R 50817–2009 “Environmental Safety”. Every manager should familiarize himself with the RAP before creating a company. If the maximum permissible annual emission established by the RAP is not achieved, then the discharge from the sources will be set above the norm. But after achieving the RAP indicator, we will need the following: | | | |