
Pedunculotomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting the cerebral peduncles (peduncles cerebri), which connect the cerebral hemispheres to the cerebellum. This operation is performed for various brain diseases, such as tumors, aneurysms, cysts and other pathologies.

Pedunculotomy is performed to relieve pressure on brain structures, improve blood flow and reduce intracranial pressure. It can also be used to treat epilepsy, in which the cerebral peduncles may cause frequent seizures.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours. The surgeon makes an incision at the back of the head, then through it he penetrates to the legs of the cerebrum and dissects them. After this, the patient’s condition is monitored and checked for complications.

After a pedunculotomy, some complications may occur, such as bleeding, infection, damage to brain tissue and nerves. However, if the procedure is performed correctly and postoperative recommendations are followed, the risk of complications is reduced.

Greetings to all readers! Today we want to talk about an important and at the same time dangerous surgical procedure - pedunculotomy.

Pedunculotomy surgery refers to surgery to remove various parts of the brain through an incision in the forehead. It is usually performed to treat brain tumors. However, if carried out improperly, such a procedure can become very dangerous.

The procedure lasts from several minutes to several hours. The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia, but some surgeons may use spinal, local or superficial anesthesia.

Surgeons make a small incision in the skin and fat of the forehead to gain access to the brain tissue. They then remove any tumors or other growths that are in specific parts of the brain, such as the frontal lobe, base of the brain, or cerebral cortex, depending on the type of procedure.

Because this type of surgery is not routine, some patients may be afraid of the procedure and may have questions and mistrust of the surgeon. Patients should be prepared to spend most of their time in the hospital working with a surgeon or nurse to ensure scarring occurs. Some hospitals also provide post-operative psychological support for those undergoing such surgery.

An advantage of the therapy is that peduncular resection can be effective in removing large tumors. And if the patient decides to undergo surgery, he should know that having such a procedure will improve his life, especially if the tumor is causing headaches or loss of consciousness.

It can occur in many people during the recovery period, for example, after surgery you may encounter the following problems: - headaches; - blurred vision; - gait disturbance;

However, like any other medical procedure, pedunculectomy is associated with risks. After such a surgical intervention, patients may encounter problems such as: * hematomas; * infections; * sensitivity disorder;