
Riddles and games help children develop their intellectual abilities and improve their observation skills. One of these games is "Stealth Look". This game can be fun and exciting for children of all ages and will also help them learn to concentrate and focus on details.

To play Peek, you will need magazines or newspapers, scissors, glue and pieces of paper. Start by asking your child to cut out pictures from magazines or newspapers that he or she likes. Let him choose pictures of animals, objects or other interesting things.

When you have enough pictures, help your child glue them onto separate pieces of paper. Then make small holes in each leaf. Holes can be made using scissors or a needle.

Choose one of the pictures and cover it with a piece of paper with holes. Have your child try to guess what is under the paper by looking through the holes. If he has trouble guessing, you can add a few more holes in different parts of the piece of paper to see more detail.

This game can be very fun and interesting for children, as they will try to see all the details to understand what is in the picture. In addition, playing Peek can help develop children's observation, logical thinking, and attentiveness skills.

In conclusion, playing Peek is a fun way to spend time with children and help them develop their intellectual abilities. Try playing this game with your child and see how fun and educational it can be for him.