Pelvis Narrow

The pelvis is usually called narrow when the acetabulum is narrowed. In the lumbar region, we observe a narrowing of the iliac arch, an increased anteroposterior size of the entrance to the pelvis and a narrowed superior aperture of the uterus.

Why is that bad? - insufficient passage of the fetus through the birth canal (which prolongs labor), breech presentation, hypoxia, shoulder dystocia and other diseases of children's and women's health. And after childbirth, bone deformation may occur in a young mother.

So how to cope with this pathology? Surgical treatment is performed only for narrow pelvises with an anatomically narrow acetabular arch. This whole thing can be well corrected by osteotomy - separation of the bone with the subsequent formation of a normal articular surface. It is incorrect to evaluate and treat this pathology with diet. Nutrition must be correct, this is important for us. Vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health should be present in food products.