Casca's sign

Symptom **Helmet** During a prolonged conversation, the patient experiences frequent yawning with a characteristic red tint to the face. The yawn is followed by a quick inhalation with a sound like a sharp explosion. The first complaint about this phenomenon is “something is tearing inside me,” “it’s as if something is being torn off inside.”

Cassie's symptom is one of the symptoms of a disorder of the autonomic nervous system and indicates serious problems with human health.

The first sign that characterizes Cassie's symptom is restless behavior: anxiety, restlessness, instability in conversation, speech disorders. The patient may have an anxiety-depressive state. Sleep and nutrition are disrupted, patients complain of problems in the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system.

The Casca symptom is a specific sign observed in various diseases of the nervous system and body. This name comes from the German neurologist Edward von Caskey, who first described this symptom in 1895.

The symptom includes a change in the patient’s facial expressions during voluntary physiological reflexes. In particular, during the performance of circular manual gymnastics on reflex regulation of posture, the patient due to

The “Helmet Symptom” or “Nöffler Syndrome” is a psychological phenomenon characterized by irrational thoughts and fantasies that lead to anxiety and negative thinking. This phenomenon was first described in 2004 by German psychiatrist Jörg Schmidt Neffler. He also coined the term “topasophobia” - fear of falling from the upper floor (fear that the lower floors will fall down).