
Anterior is an anatomical term used to describe or refer to the front of the body or limb. It is also used to describe the front of any organ.

In anatomy, the front of the body is opposite to the back. The front part includes the chest, abdomen and face.

The forelimbs are the upper and lower limbs. The upper forelimbs are the arms and the lower forelimbs are the legs.

The term "anterior" is also used to describe the front surface or part of the internal organs. For example, the front of the heart, the front of the brain, the anterior abdominal wall, and so on.

Anterior structures are usually located towards the front of the body and further away from the back. Knowing which is anterior helps anatomists and physicians correctly describe the location and orientation of organs and tissues.

Anterior (Latin anterior) is an anatomical term used to refer to the front part of the body, limbs or organs.

  1. Anterior refers to the front surface of the body or limbs. For example, the front surface of the chest, the front surface of the thigh.

  2. Anterior can also refer to the front of the internal organs. For example, the anterior wall of the stomach, the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the anterior horns of the spinal cord.

  3. In the anatomy of the limbs, the anterior refers to the palmar surface of the hand and the dorsum of the foot.

  4. In dental practice, the front teeth are the incisors and canines on the upper and lower jaws.

Thus, the term "anterior" indicates the location of the structure anterior to the rest of the body, organ, or anatomical region. This is an important anatomical landmark that allows you to accurately localize the desired part.

Anterior: Description and Application

Anterior, a term widely used in anatomy and biology, refers to the front of a body, limb, or organ. This term is used to describe an anatomical position or direction that is associated with the anterior part of an organism or structure.

  1. Using the term anterior to refer to the front of the body or limb:
    In anatomy, anterior usually refers to the direction closest to the front of the body. For example, if we talk about forelimbs, then this refers to the arms and legs of a person or animal. Anterior can also be used to describe the front side of the torso, chest, or abdomen.

  2. Using the anterior term to refer to the front of an organ:
    Anterior can also refer to the front of any organ. For example, in cardiac anatomy, the front side of the heart is called the anterior surface. Likewise, the front of the eye can refer to the cornea or iris.

Understanding the term "anterior" in an anatomical context is important for medical professionals, researchers, and biology students. It helps determine the relative position and orientation of various structures within the body. Knowledge of positional terms such as "anterior" facilitates accurate description of anatomical features, facilitates communication between specialists, and facilitates understanding of various medical and scientific disciplines.

In conclusion, the term "anterior" is used to describe the front part of a body, limb or organ. It plays an important role in anatomy and biology, helping to determine the position and orientation of various structures. Understanding this term in an anatomical context is essential for those involved in medicine and biology and facilitates more accurate description and communication in these fields.

Anterior: Description and Use

Anterior, a term used to describe or refer to the front parts of the body or limbs. It also refers to the front of any organ, such as the front of the heart or the front of the brain.

In anatomy and physiology, the term “anterior” is used to indicate the direction forward, i.e. towards the stomach or chest. For example, “anterior heart” refers to the part of the heart that is located on the side of the abdomen and chest.

Additionally, the term “anterior” can be used to describe the location of organs or body parts in the body. For example, the anterior chamber of the eye is located on the front wall of the eyeball, and the foregut is the most anterior part of the digestive tract.

The term “anterior” is also often used in the context of medical procedures, such as abdominal or chest surgery, where the surgeon works on the front wall of the body.

It is important to note that the terms “anterior” and “posterior” are used to define the location of organs and body parts relative to the central axis of the body, and do not refer to the direction of movement or the direction of force.


The term “anterior” is an important term in anatomy and medicine that accurately describes the location of organs and body parts. Using this term helps avoid confusion and ensure accuracy in the description and interpretation of medical data.

The anterior (Antero) or front part is one of the two opposite halves of the body and limb, which is located in front or opposite the head or tail in animals, and closer to the front of the human body. The opposite half of the body is called the posterior half.

In terms of organs, the anterior half of the organ is usually represented by the tip, the front, or the first portion of the tissue of the organ. For organs that have no tissue or are composed of a single continuous tissue, the anterior part is everything that is on the front side of the organ or at the beginning of the organ. For example, the foregut can be defined as the intestine that begins behind the stomach.

Almost every area of ​​anatomy has its own version of the name “anterior” or “posterior”, referring