Jaw fracture

The scientist says: If the jaw inside is not broken in two, then if the right side of the jaw is fractured, insert the index and middle fingers of the left hand into the patient’s mouth, and if the left side of the jaw is fractured, the same fingers of the right hand and use them to lift the bulge of the fracture from the inside out, and with the other hand meet it and straighten it, you will know that it is straight by the straight position of the teeth in it.

If the jaw is broken in two, then it is pulled from both sides in mutually opposite directions with the help of one assistant who pulls the jaw, and another assistant who holds it. Then the doctor proceeds to straighten the jaw as we discussed, and ties the teeth that have become crooked and moved away to one another. If along with the fracture there is a wound or a piercing fragment of bone, then make an incision or widen the wound and pull out the fragment. And then, when you’ve set it and straightened it out, apply sutures, compresses and meat-building medicines.

And the bandage of the jaw, he says, is done in this way: the middle of the bandage is placed on the hole in the area of ​​the vertebra and both ends are led on both sides of the ears to the end of the jaw, then the bandage is again led to the vertebra and passed under the jaw along the cheeks to the crown of the head and then again passed from there below vertebra. Another bandage should be placed on the forehead and around the head so that all the entwined turns are stretched, and light splints are placed on top of it.

If both jaws are separated from the end of their joints, then they should be pulled slightly with both hands, and then placed opposite each other and connected. The doctor looks at the relative position of the teeth and ties the front teeth with gold thread so that the vertical position is not disturbed. The middle of the bandage is placed on the back of the head, and its end is led to the end of the jaw, the patient is instructed to remain calm and immobile and not talk, and he is prescribed stew for food. If the shape of the jaw under the bandage changes in any way, then untie the bandage in the absence of a hot tumor; if a tumor has formed, then do not forget about watering and suitable medicinal bandages that soothe and moderately dissolve the tumor. The jaw bone often hardens before three weeks because it is soft and has a lot of marrow to fill it.