Fracture Simple

A simple fracture is the name given to a fracture that occurs due to contraction of a muscle that pushes a bone out or into the body. This can occur due to muscle spasm, minor injury, and even chronic exposure.

This type of fracture is not life-threatening for the patient, but requires serious treatment. In this case, the intervention of qualified specialists is necessary to relieve pain, fix the limb and select treatment depending on the severity of the injury. A fracture is usually treated with painkillers. Self-medication can only worsen the situation, so it is necessary to urgently seek help from medical institutions.

This type of fracture may not cause any symptoms other than minor joint pulling. Other signs of the disorder may include swelling and loss of joint mobility. To prevent treatment complications and consequences, an examination by your attending physician is necessary. If the specialist is convinced of the correct diagnosis, he prescribes treatment taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.