
Rebirth is a concept that raises many questions and contradictions in society. Some people see rebirth as an opportunity to renew and improve their lives, while others believe that it is dangerous and can lead to a loss of identity. Let's look at this term in more detail and try to understand what it really means.

The history of the concept of “rebirth” goes back to ancient times. Rebirth is understood differently in different cultures and traditions. For example, in Hinduism, rebirth can mean the passage of the soul from one body to another in order to achieve enlightenment and salvation. In Christianity, the concept of “rebirth” is associated with the idea that a person must be cleansed of sins and return to God through repentance and baptism.

However, in our time the term "degeneration" is usually used in the context of dystrophy. Dystrophy refers to a disease caused by malnutrition and leading to gradual depletion of the entire body. During the process of degeneration, the body experiences a number of changes, such as weight loss, pale skin, weakness and fatigue. Digestive problems and other problems with internal organs may also occur.

The problem of rebirth has become relevant especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have lost their jobs, fallen victim to economic crises and lost financial stability. This situation has led to many manifestations of dystrophic changes and deterioration of health. People began to get sick and lose the ability to work, which made the situation even worse.

This suggested that rebirth might be a solution to some problems. Many began to call themselves reborn and talk about their new stage in life. They believed that only through a new birth on the path of spiritual evolution can one get rid of financial and emotional problems.

Some scientists have also begun to use the term "Rebirth" to describe the process of development and growth of consciousness. This can refer not only to the growth of physical, but also intellectual and personal qualities. People should look for their own path in life that would help them realize their potential and improve.

In any case, the concept of "Degeneration", although often associated with dystrophy, has a broader meaning. It can refer to a person’s spiritual and personal growth, his renewal and awareness of his true values. These processes may include changes in behavior, worldview, relationships, and life priorities.