Dressing Table

Dressing tables are an important tool for providing medical care to the sick and injured. They provide a comfortable and safe position for the patient during a dressing change or other medical procedure. In this article we will look at the main types of dressing tables, their characteristics and features of use.

Types of dressing tables

There are several types of dressing tables depending on their design and purpose. Let's look at each type in more detail.

  1. Collapsible table. One of the most common types of dressing table, which allows you to quickly and easily change the position of the patient. It consists of several sections that can be connected to each other. Each section has its own functional elements, such as supports for legs and arms, headrest, etc. Collapsible tables are often used in medical settings where it is necessary to quickly and efficiently change a patient's position.
  2. Folding table. Another type of dressing table. It also allows you to quickly change the patient's position, but differs from a collapsible table in that it does not have separate sections. A folding table consists of one large section that can be folded or unfolded depending on need. Folding tables are often used in small medical offices or at home when a patient needs to be quickly repositioned without the use of special tools.
  3. Adjustable table. This type of dressing table allows you to change the height and inclination of the table depending on the patient's needs. Adjustable tables are often used for complex surgeries or procedures where the patient's position needs to be precisely adjusted to achieve the best results.
  4. Specialized tables. There are also specialized dressing tables designed for specific procedures. For example, there are tables for abdominal surgeries, tables for head and neck surgeries, and tables for back procedures. Such tables may have additional functional elements necessary to perform specific tasks.

Features of using dressing tables

Regardless of the type, the dressing table must be used correctly to ensure patient safety and comfort.

We will tell you how to behave in the event of an accident at work.

An industrial accident is the illegal behavior of people with bad consequences. In such situations, it is important to act quickly, otherwise success will not be achieved. It is imperative to record what happened. The accident itself should be photographed and described. Then you need to find witnesses, there can be many of them, and most importantly, collect data and details in advance. The documentation of the accident that occurred at the enterprise must be verified. You also need to describe the procedure in detail to find out what exactly was wrong. For reference, you should always request information about the employee to whom