
Denticle (denticulus; lat. diminutive of dens, dentis - tooth) is a small tooth-like protrusion on the edge or surface of something.

The term "denticle" is most often used in anatomy to refer to the small tooth-like processes on the bones of the skeleton. For example, there are denticles on the edges of the pelvic and costal bones. They serve as attachment sites for muscles and tendons.

Denticles can also be found on the surface of some mollusk shells and on the leaves and scales of plants. Their presence gives these surfaces a jagged shape.

Thus, denticle is a general name for all small protrusions resembling teeth. This term is widely used in anatomy, zoology and botany.

"Denticle" and the first arguments in favor of the concept of its existence

Perhaps the most intriguing secret dentistry of past centuries was a certain structure located in the narrow middle third of the lower jaw and consisting of two parts: the vertical bone itself and the transverse - horizontal, anatomically connected to the first. This design has a long name - “denticle” and, although many dentists still ignore its existence, it is worth considering the history and origin of denticle as a science.

Origin of the term "denticlum"

In his book “History of Medicine” Galen, a Greek doctor living in 134-201. AD, describes a denticle in the form of a stone or hard mass mistaken for a tooth. He also writes: "Consequently, sometimes this bone remains as a tooth in the child's mouth at birth." From this argument it clearly follows

Denticles are decorative details that were used in Roman buildings to decorate and protect doorways. They were made from various materials such as marble, ceramics, wood and metal. These details were very popular among the Romans and were used to create elegant and unique interiors. In addition, denticles also served as protection for the house. Without their help, the villains would not have been able to penetrate.

Denticula is used by many designers when decorating country houses, apartments or offices. It also perfectly decorates the top of a door or window.