Perfusion Cocktail

Perfusion cocktails are mixtures of drugs that are used during perfusion operations, such as organ or tissue transplants. The perfusion cocktail contains whole blood, rheopolyglucin, gelatinol, calcium chloride and other drugs. These components help improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues, which is necessary for successful perfusion and recovery of the body after surgery.

Perfusion surgeries may be needed for a variety of conditions, including heart failure, kidney failure, and other serious conditions. During the operation, artificial blood is provided, which replaces the body's blood and helps restore its functions.

One of the advantages of perfusion cocktails is that they contain large amounts of oxygen, which is necessary for tissue repair. They also help reduce the risk of infections and other complications associated with surgery.

However, perfusion cocktails may have some side effects, such as allergic reactions, thrombosis and other health problems. Therefore, before using perfusion cocktails, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the patient and assess his condition.

Overall, perfusion cocktails are an important tool in modern medicine that helps save lives and restore the health of patients. However, their use must be strictly controlled and carried out only by experienced specialists.

Perfusion cocktails are mixtures of whole blood with various medicinal substances that are used to improve blood supply to tissues and organs. These cocktails are used in medicine to treat various diseases, such as injuries, burns, diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.

A perfusion cocktail is a mixture of blood with a 7-8% solution of solutions of hemostatic and biologically active substances, used for diseases in order to maintain and increase the body's resistance to factors of aggression and unfavorable living conditions, increase immunological activity, and improve tissue regeneration.

The perfusion cocktail includes the following components: * Adrenaline - promotes the narrowing of blood vessels, reduces the level of formation of new capillaries due to the expansion of old ones, improves blood flow in organs and tissues, which accelerates their recovery. * Glucose – plays an important role in energy metabolism. With a lack of glucose in the body, serious disruptions in the functioning of all organs and systems can begin. Lack of energy leads to weakness, headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness and even poor circulation in the body. And when diabetes occurs, patients are forced to maintain glucose levels constantly in order to prevent complications and maintain health. * Potassium - found in bananas, prunes, dried apricots, dried fruits, mushrooms, potatoes, oatmeal, carrots, rose hips. It helps cells absorb glucose, supplies them with energy and reduces fatigue. Without potassium, the transmission of nerve impulses to the heart and internal organs is disrupted, depression develops, abdominal pain occurs, feet and palms crack, and hair falls out. * Calcium in its pure form is rarely consumed in the diet, but it is often found in the form of calcium salts. They go into almost every food product. Calcium salt saturates the body with the necessary microelement, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Calcium salts protect cells from damage and accelerate wound healing after surgery. It also stimulates blood clotting, promotes normal bone formation and regulates the excitability of the nervous system. However, too much calcium can cause kidney damage. * Zinc - protects the immune system from various infections, is involved in the production of proteins and phospholipids necessary for the health of the nervous system and brain function. In addition, zinc activates insulin secretion and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. And if the body does not have enough zinc, it can cause infertility in men and women.