Vision Binocular

So, I would start by saying that binocular vision is one of the properties of vision that allows a person to perceive the three-dimensional shape of objects. For it to work correctly, you need a combination of several factors that are taken into account in binoculars. Binocular vision is considered as part of the perception and processing of information by the human visual system, but along with this - the ability to perceive the visual functions of the human eye.

Binoculars are special glasses designed to improve vision. They consist of two lenses located at a distance of 4-5 mm from each other and equipped with movable mounts. Thanks to this, you can adjust the position of the lenses relative to each other and obtain an image from two points of view.

Binocular vision is a type of vision characterized by a person’s ability to perceive the depth and distance of objects in space. The binocular type of vision is observed exclusively in humans and higher animals (for example, dogs). Its essence lies in the fact that a person alternately looks with one eye and then with the other at the same object in such a way that they fall on different parts of the retina, where the corresponding excitation of nerve cells occurs. Moreover, during perception, both eyes give a person an image of a different nature and are simultaneously perceived by different areas of the retina. As a result, there is a feeling of depth and distance of objects from us. A person with binocular vision can evaluate size and shape, compare objects, their location and nature of movement, anticipate movement near an object and determine the moment of its contact with any surface of the body. Evidence of binocularity is the ability of young children to recognize their parents and siblings, who are familiar to them by their gait; a large number of people with visual impairments and the blind very often determine the location of the person standing in front of them or any objects located next to him by hearing and touching him. However, the habit of near vision must not be allowed to replace normal binocular vision in the blind.