Hypotension Orthostatic

In some cases, the doctor may pay attention to blood pressure, when measuring the patient’s blood pressure, a persistent decrease in its level is detected in the supine position. This pathology is accompanied by a gradual decrease in blood flow parameters while standing and is called orthostatic hypotension. This condition threatens human health with disturbances in water-salt balance and disruption of the cardiovascular system. A severe attack of orthostatic hypotension provokes the risk of developing syncope, usually accompanied by a threat to the patient's life.

Orthostatic hypotension is a condition in which blood pressure decreases when moving from a lying or sitting position to a standing position. Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension may include low blood levels, dizziness and fainting, nausea and fatigue. The main causes of such hypotension may be diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as arrhythmia, kidney or liver diseases. Treatment for orthostatic hypotension may include taking antihypertensive medications as well as lifestyle changes, such as reducing caffeine and salt intake and engaging in regular exercise. In some cases, additional treatments such as diuretics or intravenous fluids may be needed. It is important to remember that if symptoms of orthostatic hypotension occur, you should consult a doctor for professional help to avoid possible complications.