
Pericoronitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the crown of the tooth. It can occur on both the upper and lower jaw. Pericoronitis can be caused by various reasons, such as infection, trauma, caries, periodontitis and other diseases.

Symptoms of pericoronitis may include pain, swelling and redness in the gums around the tooth. Sometimes there may be increased body temperature, weakness and headache. If left untreated, pericoronitis can lead to serious complications such as an abscess or cellulitis.

To treat pericoronitis, you need to see a dentist. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine the cause of the inflammation. Depending on the cause, tooth extraction or treatment for infection may be necessary. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs may also be prescribed.

To avoid pericoronitis, you need to monitor the health of your teeth and gums. Visit your dentist regularly for dental checkups and cleanings, and avoid oral injuries and infections.

**Pericoronitis** is an inflammation of the surrounding tissues of the tooth, that is, its root. An incredibly rare but dangerous disease (if left untreated, periostitis, sepsis or fistula may develop, and in more severe cases, even death is possible).

The cause of the disease is an infection introduced into the periodontal