
The perichondrium is a thin connective tissue plate or layer around the base of the cartilage of the external auditory canal, vestibule and epiglottis.

It is composed of dense connective tissue made up of tightly packed collagen fibers and elastic fibers that provide strength and elasticity. The perichondrial plate not only provides mechanical protection to the cartilage, but also regulates the secretion of its secretion. This helps to moisturize the cartilage tissue and create optimal conditions for the functioning of the cartilage and vocal cords. Due to the high reactivity of the perichordal plate, it quickly responds to various stimuli and injuries, and has good regeneration potential. When damage occurs to the perichondrium, it can quickly grow new tissue to replace the lost tissue, making it a useful therapeutic target. Animal studies show that the perichondrium plays an important role in tissue repair after injury and is an important factor in the prevention of scarring. In conditions of lack of blood, perichordrium is capable of developing