
Elatotonometry is a method for studying ocular pressure. It is used to diagnose eye diseases and assess the condition of the human visual system. Without knowledge of this procedure, it is impossible to carry out a competent therapeutic approach to improve or maintain the health of your eyes. Today we will take a closer look at this research.

The elastotonometer method first appeared in 1861 thanks to the invention of Dr. Gustav von Coley. Three chambers were developed - the patient lies face down on a special table, the head is fixed, there is a mask over the eyes, through which a special composition is supplied that neutralizes the dilation of the pupil and removes it. The chamber then pumps air to create pressure on the eye from within the eye. Indications for elatometer:

*determining the value of intraocular pressure in an outpatient setting during clinical examination of the population; *diagnosis of primary glaucoma; *active monitoring of patients with compensated glaucoma by checking the correctness of the selected doses of antihypertensive drugs. *conducting preventive examinations of adults and children. The examination time is 5-15 minutes. The results are transmitted in numbers on paper.

It is important to remember that elastometry is not the main, but an additional test in complex diagnostics. The main question that helps clarify elastometry is if you have been diagnosed