
Perinephritis is a serious complication of pyelonephritis and pyonephrosis, characterized by inflammation of the tissues surrounding the kidney. This pathology can lead to the formation of an abscess, which is a serious threat to the health and life of the patient.

Perinephritis usually occurs due to the spread of infection from the kidney itself. As a result of the inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding the kidney, the patient experiences lower back pain, fever and chills. It is important to note that perinephritis can occur without obvious symptoms, which makes diagnosing the disease difficult.

For successful treatment of perinephritis, timely consultation with a doctor and comprehensive treatment are necessary. The main methods of treatment are the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers, as well as physical therapy methods. In cases where the disease leads to the formation of an abscess, surgery may be required.

In order to prevent the development of perinephritis, timely treatment of infectious kidney diseases is necessary, as well as compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. It is important to remember that perinephritis is a serious disease that requires mandatory intervention from specialists and comprehensive treatment. At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescribing the necessary treatment.

Perinephritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Perinephritis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the kidney. This is a serious condition that can lead to abscess formation and other complications. The cause of perinephritis is most often the spread of infection from the kidney itself, for example, with pyelonephritis or pyonephrosis. However, perinephritis can also be caused by other factors, such as trauma, surgery, as well as certain diseases associated with a disorder of the immune system.

The main symptom of perinephritis is lower back pain, which can be very intense. In addition, the patient may experience fever, chills and general malaise. In some cases, symptoms associated with impaired renal function may occur: frequent urination, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting and others.

To prevent further progression of the disease and the formation of an abscess, timely treatment of the infectious process in the kidney is necessary. Treatment may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and pain relievers. In some cases, surgery may be required.

In addition, to prevent the development of perinephritis, it is necessary to monitor your health and promptly treat all urinary tract diseases. Regular medical examinations will also help detect kidney disease in the early stages and prevent complications from developing.

In conclusion, perinephritis is a serious condition that can lead to serious complications. If you experience symptoms associated with lower back pain, fever and other signs of kidney dysfunction, you should consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help prevent the development of complications and restore health.

Perinephritis is an inflammation of the retroperitoneal organs located near the kidneys, which can lead to their replacement with connective tissue. It is a complication of pyelonephritis and pyonephrosis (obstruction of the ureter with a stone, tumor or blood clots), acute inflammation of the renal parenchyma, purulent melting of the fibrous capsule of the kidney, breakthrough of purulent foci into the retroperitoneal space from the cavity, kidney abscess, vascular formation, transitional opening of the bladder. It is more common in women due to the anatomical location of the kidneys relative to the genital organs.

**Classification.** According to the nature of the course: acute, chronic. According to the presence or absence of urinary tract obstruction: intraparenchymal with urinary tract obstruction, reactive without obstruction. By duration: primary, secondary. The primary chronic form, like the acute form, has several development options. Depending on the cause, there are infections, injuries (