Tricks to flatten a nail

They take cypress gum and apply a bandage from it to a nasty, painful nail for several days to soften it, then they stick a needle into the root of the nail and allow a large amount of blood to flow out from there, and then tie crushed garlic to it for a day and night and change the garlic in twice during the day. This causes the nail to fall off. The constant application of a medicinal dressing with olive oil also sometimes predisposes the nail to falling off with the help of the most insignificant means, especially if you mix opopanax with olive oil or sulfur ground with lard.

Ranunculus is a strong remedy for reducing nails, as well as mistletoe from oak with tapsia, arsenic and Spanish flies - all this is tied with vinegar and constantly applied to the nail, removing the bandage every few days. Both arsenics, yellow sulfur and turpentine tree resin also help; a medicinal dressing with vinegar is prepared from this and removed every week.