Periodontitis, Alveolar pyorrhea

Periodontal disease, alveolar pyorrhea, is a chronic disease of the tissues surrounding the teeth (periodontal tissue). They get sick. arr. mature and elderly people, but periodontal disease is sometimes observed in young people and children. It has been noted that periodontal disease most often affects people who live for a long time in the North and do not receive enough fresh vegetables and fruits (lack of vitamins A and P).

In the occurrence of this disease, the main role is played by insufficient nutrition of the periodontal tissues due to disorders in the vessels and nerves of the periodontium. Important reasons may be overload when chewing the remaining teeth after removing damaged ones, as well as chipping off tartar. With periodontal disease, the bone tissue of the sockets gradually dissolves, and the teeth become loose. This process can occur in the area of ​​one tooth or involve several teeth. The onset of the disease is usually invisible; Only sometimes patients feel a burning sensation, itching, and pulsation in the gums.

Then the necks of the teeth begin to become exposed, sometimes the gums swell slightly, and when brushing your teeth or biting into hard food they bleed. In advanced cases, inflammation of the gums begins - gingivitis (see Stomatitis), pus (pyorrhea) is released from under the gingival edge (from the tooth socket of the alveolus), the roots are increasingly exposed, the teeth become more and more loose (color table, article 529, Fig. 6 -8), up to the loss of a healthy-looking tooth.

Treatment must be comprehensive and strictly individual; You must follow all the dentist’s prescriptions. The complex of therapeutic measures includes the removal of tartar, gum treatment, dental prosthetics, strengthening the general condition of the body, treatment of concomitant diseases, etc.

The nature of daily food plays an important role in the prevention of periodontal disease; solid food promotes natural massage of the gums and the removal of soft dental plaque. It is useful to end your meal with raw fruits or vegetables (carrots, apples, black currants, etc.) containing vitamins. Timely prosthetics, unloading the remaining teeth when chewing food, also prevents the development of periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is a chronic disease, but timely treatment usually stops its development for a long time.