Periods of illness

Know that for most diseases there are four periods: the onset period, the period of intensification, the period of maximum development and the period of decline. Time outside of these periods refers to periods of health. By the period of beginning and maximum development we do not mean two extreme moments when the state of the disease is not visible: no, for each of these periods there is a special time and in each of them one should act differently.

The onset period is the time when the disease manifests itself, but it seems questionable in its circumstances and its intensification is not yet visible. Strengthening is a period when the deterioration of the disease increases hour by hour; maximum development - that period when the disease stops in all respects and remains in one position; recession is the period when a decrease in the disease is manifested. The further it continues, the more visible the decrease is.

These periods sometimes exist in relation to the disease from beginning to end in all its attacks and are called general periods. And sometimes they exist in relation to each individual attack and are called private periods.