Retinal periphlebitis is inflammation of the marginal part of the choroid in the area of the petrosal fossa and poles. Periphlebitis is a special case of peripapillitis or macular degeneration in the initial stage. More common in middle-aged men. Etiology In most cases (75-97%) it occurs as a result of retinal vein thrombosis, in other cases - as an independent disease. The vessel wall is destroyed by mononuclear phagocytes, and the perinuclear coponavirus infiltrate by neutrophils spreads to the surrounding tissues. The inflammatory process is caused by trigeminoid stimulation. Hyperemia and edema of the petrosal plate are noted. The boundary of inflammation passes at the level of retinal pigment. The course of the inflammatory process can be acute, subacute and chronic. In subacute and chronic cases, the focus of inflammation has