Peritoneal lavage

Abdominal lavage: general information

The procedure is performed to get rid of the accumulation of exudate in the abdominal cavity, its acute or chronic inflammation. The procedure is not performed if the patient has a high fever, acute peritonitis or cancer. It is also unacceptable to carry out rinsing in the postoperative period.

Description and purpose of the procedure

To carry out manipulative intervention, the patient is prepared for the procedure: bowel preparation is carried out. The patient lies down in the office on his back. The doctor applies an ointment (ethylcellulose or paraffin) to the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, limiting the purulent formation. A prepared “guidewire” (metal tube) is inserted into the abdominal cavity through the navel or lower abdomen (usually this location). The skin over the removed tube is taped with sterile tape.

Washing the abdominal cavity can be carried out by installing two, three or five tanks. An antiseptic or saline solution is placed into the catheter. With each reservoir, the doctor removes pus, which flows from a special tube into the cavity of the reservoir. And at this time, the patient spontaneously or through special physical exercises produces pressure on the abdominal wall.

After each stage of washing the abdominal cavity, the catheter is replaced with a new one. After the procedure is completed, the patient is instructed to lie on his stomach for half an hour. A decoction or pleural fluid can be sent for bacteriological analysis.

Cost of the procedure

The price for the manipulation depends on the clinic and the reason. It is: * from 250 to 900 rubles for one stage (for intestinal inflammation), * 600–2400 for two stages, * up to 5200 rubles for 3 staged stages.