Percussion Sound Clear

Percussion sound "clear"

Although percussion examination of the chest can be carried out by listening to sounds using a phonendoscope, it usually involves the use of light blows - light taps or light touches. This is why it is sometimes called chest percussion. When examining the lungs, sound (acoustic) signaling occurs at different heights.

*• Description of the procedure.* In the lungs, the upper, anterior and posterior walls of the chest, as well as the diaphragm, are examined. As you inhale and exhale forcefully, you need to lightly tap to identify active breathing sounds. They must be symmetrical and located in a zone of relative audibility. In addition, the specialist should ask the patient to take a forced position and listen to the sounds of breathing over the corresponding focus, for example, at the site of the apical thickening. To achieve the appropriate position of the body, it is best to ask the patient to bend deeply or throw his head back and slightly clasp his arms. Soft fabrics