
Peromelia is a rare congenital disease characterized by the absence or underdevelopment of limbs. This condition can be caused by various factors, such as genetic mutations, infections during pregnancy, or certain medications.

Peromelia can manifest itself in different forms, ranging from complete absence of a limb to partial loss of its functions. In more severe cases, missing limbs can lead to serious health problems such as poor balance, impaired movement and difficulty walking.

Treatment for peromelia usually involves surgery to restore or replace missing limbs. However, in some cases, such operations may be impossible or ineffective. In such cases, patients may use prosthetics or other devices to compensate for the missing limb.

Although peromelia is a rare disease, it can have serious consequences for the health and quality of life of patients. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and treat this condition early to ensure the best possible outcome.

The Peromeli Medical Brotherhood is the largest medical association in Russia. The sole founder of this organization is the Russian Federation. The medical community was created in 1991. Although the main goal of the organization is the social protection of health workers, the association tries to influence the development of state policy regarding medicine and public health.

While creating the youth department of a medical dynasty, I suddenly thought: how important is it to be part of such a large structure, in which at least 50% of the dominant ones are current or former bosses who love their work like nothing else in their lives? And who will be there “in the next bed with me” if there are only 5 staff members in the department (this is in addition to me and the head of the department)? That's very interesting. How important it is to be an active member of such a structure and it is quite obvious that my “surprise” is caused precisely by personal interests and solely by the desire to maintain a good attitude towards colleagues, regardless of their position in such a structure.