Pertussis Diagnostic Serum for Ra

Pertussis serum is a medical product that is used to diagnose pertussis infection in adults and children over 2 years of age. This serum is produced by immunizing animals with pertussis virus and contains antibodies that can be detected in the blood serum of infected patients. In Russia, whooping cough serum is used for early diagnosis of the disease in patients suspected of having whooping cough or in those who have already been vaccinated.

Certified drug C579, produced since 1985 by the Gamaleya Institute. N. F. Gamaleya as a diagnostic serum for whooping cough endemic regions (regions).

All details of the production control procedure for this vaccine can be found on the manufacturer’s official website.



**Pertussis Serum** is a drug that is used in the diagnosis and treatment of whooping cough. It was developed to detect specific antibodies that are produced during whooping cough infection.

*Pertussis serum* is a product produced in Russia at **NIIEM for the production of bacterial preparations named after N. F. Gamaleya (LLC Poliomyelitis Institute)**. It is produced from a culture of the bacteria Bordetella pertussis, which is the cause of whooping cough infection.

This type of bacterial preparation has a high degree of diagnostic efficiency and sensitivity, which allows you to quickly and accurately identify the disease in a patient. In addition, *Serum* contains antibodies that can neutralize specific toxins of whooping cough bacteria and prevent their proliferation inside the body.

The drug is supplied to consumers in the form of a dry monolayer of bacteria, which is then lyophilized (dried) and produced in 1 ml ampoules. When serum is diluted with saline, a protein solution is formed that can block the toxic effect of whooping cough bacteria and prevent the development of the disease.

It is important to note that this drug is not the main treatment for whooping cough, but only serves as a diagnostic tool to determine the presence of an infectious process.